This is a random list, in no particular order, of some things I've always wanted to do but never got around to. I'd like to do them all some day. Of course, some are much easier and more feasible than others but they are all reasonably possible. It amused me when I was writing that most of them are 'places' rather than 'things' but I guess that makes sense in a way. I'm certain there are more things that should be on here, but these are the ones on my mind today.
In no particular order:Ride a Greyhound bus -- I've always wanted to take the bus to someplace random. This is what pushed me to write up this list today. A Greyhound came in to work, and I was musing on all the different kinds of people that got off. It's such an interesting mix. People from all different backgrounds and places, riding the bus for a myriad of reasons. It just seems like a fun thing to do. I'd probably get a lot of crocheting done. The destination doesn't matter so much as the journey to get there.
Drive the Whole Length of Interstate 80 -- This one has been on my mind basically since I learned to drive. It always fascinated me that the highway that goes past my town also goes to San Francisco. I've traveled 80 from the eastern most end (the George Washington Bridge) as far out as the eastern edge of Illinois, but there is so much further to go! Maybe this one should wait for gas prices to be less stupid...
Visit Japan -- This trip is one of the least feasible, but also one I *really* want to do. It's very expensive to travel halfway around the world, but Japan is one of those places that I 'want to see before I die' that people talk about. I don't know when I'll get there, but I'll find a way, someday.
Skydive -- One of the two things on the list that isn't a travel item. I just think it might be fun to jump out of a perfectly good airplane. I'll probably hate it and never want to do it again, but I'll have done it. There is a place not far from where I live that offers lessons. It's expensive but not *that* expensive. I might need moral support for this.
Tongue piercing -- The other thing that isn't a destination. I've always wanted a piece of metal shoved through my tongue. The inhibitor on this one isn't funds or time but rather I kind of feel too old. Plenty of people who are my age have them, but most people do things like that in their teens. I'm also a bit concerned about my job and family. Sure, I'm 27 and old enough to do what I want, but I still respect their opinions. This one will probably happen before all the others. If I'm going to do it, I ought to do it before I get even older right?
See Alaska in the Summer -- Like the trip to Japan, I have no clue when this is going to happen. I just really want to get there someday. I think it would be neat to watch the sun set and then rise again really quickly. It'd probably be pretty cool to be there in the winter too.
Take a Cruise -- I've never been, and I think it'd be fun. Lots of time to read and crochet and relax. I'd have to bring an extra suitcase just filled with books though. And maybe another with yarn.
Of course, most of these would be much more fun with other people and at the moment, I'm pretty much out of people to kidnap. But that is ok. There is no time limit on this list. I just wanted to write them down so to remember them when I do find someone willing and able to be kidnapped.