Monday, February 25, 2008

I watched TV!!!

I've spent most of my weekend closed up in my house doing laundry. Consequently, the DVD player was working overtime. Saturday night, though, as I popped out Spirited Away, my TV had one of those moments of magical reception. I managed to catch the last fifteen minutes of NBC's new Knight Rider. Shannon had told me about it earlier in the week and I was quite intrigued. I was rather pleased with the little snippet I saw on my fuzzy television, and when it ended I went hunting the complete episode. I was actually rather surprised to find it on the NBC website in its entirety.

I'm cautiously optimistic. Of course this was a made for TV movie, and I've not really seen anything that ensures it will be a series. If it is, though, I may have to jury rig my antenna a bit better as it sounds like something I might want to watch on a regular basis. Of course if NBC is going to be so kind as to put every episode online for my viewing pleasure, I'll just do it that way. Much easier to beat Theseus into submission than to fight with the TV and its ancient bunny ears.

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