Saturday, December 27, 2008

New Tablet!

I got this fantastic Bamboo Fun tablet from Wacom for Christmas and I just set it up. I thought it would be cool but I had no idea *how* cool. Holy crap! How did I live without one for all this time?

It came bundled with Corel Painter Essentials and after watching the video tutorials that came with registering I started sketching. Here are the first two things I drew.

These are by no means finished sketches but I was just messing around. I still can't quite grasp how easy they were to do though. This first one was sketched with pencil and then filled in and colored with the watercolor brush. So fun!

This one was drawn with pencil and colored in with crayon because I could. I know these are both really rough but compared to things I've attempted to draw with a mouse, they are almost exactly what my hands were trying to do. I'm an impatient sketcher as it is, even with real paper so to be able to get my ideas down digitally so quickly is just awesome.

I probably should stop bubbling with effusive praise before I really learn the ins and outs of both the tablet itself and the nifty software that came with it but really, this is just too fun to keep to myself. I'm going to go draw some more now!

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