You're probably a crybaby as well. But hey, at least you're normal...well, compared to your company, anyway...
Which Claris
Friday, December 05, 2003
Monday, December 01, 2003
have i changed this much in just a few days?

You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.
"And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
She cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world."
Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).
The Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of
Her sign is the dawn sun.
As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people's feelings and have tremendous empathy.
Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they're always willing to help.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
You are Form 1, Goddess: The Creator.
"And The Goddess planted the acorn of life.
She cried a single tear and shed a single drop
of blood upon the earth where she buried it.
From her blood and tear, the acorn grew into
the world."
Some examples of the Goddess Form are Gaia (Greek),
Jehova (Christian), and Brahma (Indian).
The Goddess is associated with the concept of
creation, the number 1, and the element of
Her sign is the dawn sun.
As a member of Form 1, you are a charismatic
individual and people are drawn to you.
Although sometimes you may seem emotionally
distant, you are deeply in tune with other
people's feelings and have tremendous empathy.
Sometimes you have a tendency to neglect your
own self. Goddesses are the best friends to
have because they're always willing to help.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
Sunday, November 23, 2003
Jessy, you are most afraid of moving forward
Have you ever noticed that you're more concerned about making the "right" decisions than many people around you when it comes to your future? Or do you sometimes worry more than you should about committing to your personal or professional goals or feel anxious that you'll never really be successful? If so, you're not alone. There are many people who share your fear of moving forward.
It can be a real strength to recognize your fears. By being aware of the things that frighten you, you can assess whether fear is helping you or negatively impacting your life. For instance, a fear of moving forward may sometimes motivate you to take action in a positive way, like by experiencing a wider variety of things than others.
However, fear's negative aspects can sometimes be more damaging than you realize. Living with fear not only prevents you from living life to the fullest; it can also have a significant negative impact on your energy, health, and your close relationships if not kept in check.
Have you ever noticed that you're more concerned about making the "right" decisions than many people around you when it comes to your future? Or do you sometimes worry more than you should about committing to your personal or professional goals or feel anxious that you'll never really be successful? If so, you're not alone. There are many people who share your fear of moving forward.
It can be a real strength to recognize your fears. By being aware of the things that frighten you, you can assess whether fear is helping you or negatively impacting your life. For instance, a fear of moving forward may sometimes motivate you to take action in a positive way, like by experiencing a wider variety of things than others.
However, fear's negative aspects can sometimes be more damaging than you realize. Living with fear not only prevents you from living life to the fullest; it can also have a significant negative impact on your energy, health, and your close relationships if not kept in check.
a poetry form quiz... and I thought that I had seen it all... with real questions too!
Yeah so two days ago I said I was going to take the adventurer stereotype quiz at Cati and i did it. here are Her result... no big surprises here... I love quizes
Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at
I also love the graphic novel on this site. sooo pretty. In fact, i love pretty much this whole site!
Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at
I also love the graphic novel on this site. sooo pretty. In fact, i love pretty much this whole site!
Saturday, November 22, 2003
I Am A: Neutral Good Elf Ranger
Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.
Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:
Monks are strange and generally not understood by the world at large. They live apart from people, and follow strict codes that restrain their behavior and lifestyle. They have an exceptionally calm outlook on life, and generally do not resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. Even when they do, their code of conduct forbids the use of all weapons - except their hands. As such, monks are extremely skilled at hand-to-hand combat, and no other style.
Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Lathander is the Neutral Good god of spring, dawn, birth, and renewal. His followers believe in new beginnings, and work for the betterment of all. They have no preferred weapon, but they typically wear plate mail and a shield, with red and yellow tinting. Lathander's symbol is rosy pink disk, typically cut from rose quartz.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
NeppyMan (e-mail)
now this one sounds about right... I love quizes
Neutral Good characters believe in the power of good above all else. They will work to make the world a better place, and will do whatever is necessary to bring that about, whether it goes for or against whatever is considered 'normal'.
Elves are the eldest of all races, although they are generally a bit smaller than humans. They are generally well-cultured, artistic, easy-going, and because of their long lives, unconcerned with day-to-day activities that other races frequently concern themselves with. Elves are, effectively, immortal, although they can be killed. After a thousand years or so, they simply pass on to the next plane of existance.
Primary Class:
Monks are strange and generally not understood by the world at large. They live apart from people, and follow strict codes that restrain their behavior and lifestyle. They have an exceptionally calm outlook on life, and generally do not resort to violence unless absolutely necessary. Even when they do, their code of conduct forbids the use of all weapons - except their hands. As such, monks are extremely skilled at hand-to-hand combat, and no other style.
Secondary Class:
Rangers are the defenders of nature and the elements. They are in tune with the Earth, and work to keep it safe and healthy.
Lathander is the Neutral Good god of spring, dawn, birth, and renewal. His followers believe in new beginnings, and work for the betterment of all. They have no preferred weapon, but they typically wear plate mail and a shield, with red and yellow tinting. Lathander's symbol is rosy pink disk, typically cut from rose quartz.
Find out What D&D Character Are You?, courtesy of
now this one sounds about right... I love quizes
You are Form 4, Gargoyle: The Fallen.
"And The Gargoyle mended his wings from the
blood of the fallen so he could rise up from
imprisonment. With great speed and
resourcefulness, Gargoyle made the world his
for the taking."
Some examples of the Gargoyle Form are Daedalus
(Greek) and Mary Magdalene (Christian).
The Gargoyle is associated with the concept of
success, the number 4, and the element of wood.
His sign is the new moon.
As a member of Form 4, you are a creative and
resourceful individual. You are always
thinking of possible solutions to problems you
face and you generally choose one that is
right. Much of your success comes from your
ability to look at things a little differently
than everyone else. Gargoyles are the best
friends to have because they don't always take
things for face value.
Which Mythological Form Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
a continuation of Quiz day... some of these results are seriously surprising me
Your element is Water. You are a deep person and a
good communicator. Incredibably loving and
loyal when your trust is gained and you are
fairly mature.Myterious to the utmost water is
in everything. One can be an Ocean or a river
but nobody truly knows you.
What's your element
brought to you by Quizilla
You're a Slayer!
After God created man and woman he returned to
Heaven, his labors complete leaving death and
decay to follow in his wake. The Slayers were
the angels of mortality, tending to those who
had passed. Now theyre masters of spirit who
can raise ghosts, reap souls from living bodies
or trap them in vessels of their infernal
Demon: the Fallen
brought to you by Quizilla
Ok so there are two demon quizes and they gave me different answers... I think I like the other one better.
Neberu: The Fiends
The Fiends directed the course of the sun, moon and
stars. They were the bearers of the complex
patterns that governed the tides, seasons and
portents of Heaven. Where they were once
oracles dispensing wisdom and warnings, they
are now the masters of nightmares and curses.
Choose your Place in Hell.
brought to you by Quizilla
So now I am playing table top Demon... when did I fully come over to the darkside of gaming... My character is a Slayer though not a Fiend. She likes to kill stuff.
Halaku: The Slayers
After God created man and woman he returned to
Heaven, his labors complete ... leaving death
and decay to follow in his wake. The Slayers
were the angels of mortality, tending to those
who had passed. Now they're masters of spirit
who can raise ghosts, reap souls from living
bodies or trap them in vessels of their
infernal choosing.
Choose your Place in Hell.
brought to you by Quizilla
Wednesday, November 19, 2003
Find your Role-Playing
Stereotype at
yeah so I took this quiz as Jessy and now i am kinda worried... i am going to have cati take it and see what happens
Tuesday, November 18, 2003
So yeah, i realized that I havent posted much of anything in a long long while... well here is what i am thinking from the most recent to as far back as i feel like going.
I am pissed at you donnie for not talking to me in so long... you aren't getting a wedding gift from me if you don't call me!
I love LARPing... i want to do it all the time
I hate doing this looking for schools/think about the future shit
Why is everyone getting Fucking married... I feel so bloody old
I got a sexy long black coat that has nothing whatsoever to do with the sexy long black coats featured in the very sexy movie that I recently went to go see with Shannon and her brother
I went to hershey to talk about talking about writing
I am such a dork
I buy sneaky presents and then fight with myself about giving them to people for no reason.
I had sooooo much fun at the end of last month it isnt even funny
I got alex drunk
I have realized that this list is waaayyy out of order and don't care because it is my list on my blog so meh!
I need new pants (get your mind out of the bloody gutter)
I have been neglecting my blog
I have been posting in my character, Cati's blog. (
I am tired of writing things in a list so I am going to stop now because it is my list on my blog so meh!
and so yeah... I haven't been posting... i don't know whether I will really start posting more... so yeah... that is that then.
I am pissed at you donnie for not talking to me in so long... you aren't getting a wedding gift from me if you don't call me!
I love LARPing... i want to do it all the time
I hate doing this looking for schools/think about the future shit
Why is everyone getting Fucking married... I feel so bloody old
I got a sexy long black coat that has nothing whatsoever to do with the sexy long black coats featured in the very sexy movie that I recently went to go see with Shannon and her brother
I went to hershey to talk about talking about writing
I am such a dork
I buy sneaky presents and then fight with myself about giving them to people for no reason.
I had sooooo much fun at the end of last month it isnt even funny
I got alex drunk
I have realized that this list is waaayyy out of order and don't care because it is my list on my blog so meh!
I need new pants (get your mind out of the bloody gutter)
I have been neglecting my blog
I have been posting in my character, Cati's blog. (
I am tired of writing things in a list so I am going to stop now because it is my list on my blog so meh!
and so yeah... I haven't been posting... i don't know whether I will really start posting more... so yeah... that is that then.
Monday, November 17, 2003
every last Malkavian across the world is incurably
Vampires want you... which ones hunt you?
brought to you by Quizilla
big surprise there...
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
died for me
this is a list of stuff that died for me today... I don't know if I would be particularly good at Jainism...
We Died for Jessy on Tuesday
melaluca leaves
rubber tree?
coffee beans
cows (milk)
sugar cane
bees? (does honey count?)
cinnamon bark
more sugar cane
more bees
more cows
more wheat
some vegetables that gave oil for my food to be fried in... at least I hope they were vegetables...
more chickens
still more chickens
cocoa beans
trees, lots of trees
more cows
more apples
more cocoa beans
still more apples
more cinnamon
more wheat
more honeybees
more sugarcane
more tea
lots of trees
yet more additional cows
still more cotton
and more rubber trees
probably some dinosaurs and prehistoric plants but I don't know exactly where Centenary's electricity comes from and what kind of plant it is generated in.
more dinosaurs for all the plastic stuff i used today. (including this computer)
We Died for Jessy on Tuesday
melaluca leaves
rubber tree?
coffee beans
cows (milk)
sugar cane
bees? (does honey count?)
cinnamon bark
more sugar cane
more bees
more cows
more wheat
some vegetables that gave oil for my food to be fried in... at least I hope they were vegetables...
more chickens
still more chickens
cocoa beans
trees, lots of trees
more cows
more apples
more cocoa beans
still more apples
more cinnamon
more wheat
more honeybees
more sugarcane
more tea
lots of trees
yet more additional cows
still more cotton
and more rubber trees
probably some dinosaurs and prehistoric plants but I don't know exactly where Centenary's electricity comes from and what kind of plant it is generated in.
more dinosaurs for all the plastic stuff i used today. (including this computer)
Thursday, October 16, 2003
I just took it again and only changed one answer and got
1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (96%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
4. Jainism (89%)
5. Hinduism (88%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (83%)
7. Liberal Quakers (81%)
8. New Age (80%)
9. Reform Judaism (72%)
10. Sikhism (72%)
11. Scientology (70%)
12. Taoism (69%)
13. New Thought (66%)
14. Bahá'à Faith (63%)
15. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (59%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (55%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%)
18. Secular Humanism (52%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (51%)
20. Islam (45%)
21. Seventh Day Adventist (30%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (28%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (28%)
24. Nontheist (26%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (19%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (17%)
27. Roman Catholic (17%)
I think this one made more sense
1. Mahayana Buddhism (100%)
2. Neo-Pagan (96%)
3. Unitarian Universalism (90%)
4. Jainism (89%)
5. Hinduism (88%)
6. Theravada Buddhism (83%)
7. Liberal Quakers (81%)
8. New Age (80%)
9. Reform Judaism (72%)
10. Sikhism (72%)
11. Scientology (70%)
12. Taoism (69%)
13. New Thought (66%)
14. Bahá'à Faith (63%)
15. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (59%)
16. Orthodox Quaker (55%)
17. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (54%)
18. Secular Humanism (52%)
19. Orthodox Judaism (51%)
20. Islam (45%)
21. Seventh Day Adventist (30%)
22. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (28%)
23. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (28%)
24. Nontheist (26%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (19%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (17%)
27. Roman Catholic (17%)
I think this one made more sense
I took the belief-o-matic quiz again and my results were different from when I took it some four or five months ago. I don't know if that is good or bad.
1. Hinduism (100%)
2. Mahayana Buddhism (95%)
3. Neo-Pagan (94%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
5. Sikhism (82%)
6. Jainism (79%)
7. New Age (74%)
8. Theravada Buddhism (71%)
9. Liberal Quakers (69%)
10. Reform Judaism (62%)
11. Scientology (61%)
12. New Thought (59%)
13. Orthodox Judaism (56%)
14. Taoism (55%)
15. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (53%)
16. Bahá'à Faith (53%)
17. Orthodox Quaker (50%)
18. Secular Humanism (44%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
20. Islam (40%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (37%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (29%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (27%)
24. Jehovah's Witness (26%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (24%)
26. Roman Catholic (24%)
27. Nontheist (23%)
1. Hinduism (100%)
2. Mahayana Buddhism (95%)
3. Neo-Pagan (94%)
4. Unitarian Universalism (86%)
5. Sikhism (82%)
6. Jainism (79%)
7. New Age (74%)
8. Theravada Buddhism (71%)
9. Liberal Quakers (69%)
10. Reform Judaism (62%)
11. Scientology (61%)
12. New Thought (59%)
13. Orthodox Judaism (56%)
14. Taoism (55%)
15. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (53%)
16. Bahá'à Faith (53%)
17. Orthodox Quaker (50%)
18. Secular Humanism (44%)
19. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
20. Islam (40%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (37%)
22. Seventh Day Adventist (29%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (27%)
24. Jehovah's Witness (26%)
25. Eastern Orthodox (24%)
26. Roman Catholic (24%)
27. Nontheist (23%)
I realize that I have been neglecting this blog in favor of others both for myself and for my character. I don't feel that I can really post honestly to this blog anymore. At least not about important things.
I have been kind of depressed and sad lately. I have also had moments of great joy. I am living on an emotional rollercoaster but none of the emotions are really mine. Nothing is really mine, not even my tears. I don't know why I get involved in things that I can't fix. I don't know why I need so much control. If there is one thing I have learned in the past month it is that you can only live vicariously through others for so long and then it stops making you happy and only makes you jealous. I don't want to be jealous, I just want to be happy. I want everyone to be happy. but I can't have what I want.
I am sorry i haven't been posting. I am sorry I have been kind of a flake. I am sorry I don't know what I really want or how to get it.
I have been kind of depressed and sad lately. I have also had moments of great joy. I am living on an emotional rollercoaster but none of the emotions are really mine. Nothing is really mine, not even my tears. I don't know why I get involved in things that I can't fix. I don't know why I need so much control. If there is one thing I have learned in the past month it is that you can only live vicariously through others for so long and then it stops making you happy and only makes you jealous. I don't want to be jealous, I just want to be happy. I want everyone to be happy. but I can't have what I want.
I am sorry i haven't been posting. I am sorry I have been kind of a flake. I am sorry I don't know what I really want or how to get it.
Monday, September 08, 2003
Well the new room still smells like chemicals, the toilet is tempermental, and there are a lot more scratches and gouges in the walls than we first thought. I brought a bunch of stuff from home but there are still lots of things I don't have. I suppose I am not a very good resident. I still have that commuter mentality where I don't think of stuff that I would normally not need to think of, like towels and other stuff. I also keep feeling weird about my roomate. It isn't bad just weird... I don't normally just randomly talk to people and I feel the need to say something to her. Maybe I will get used to it, I don't know. I have to figure out how to read her, but she is so hard to read. It is odd.
Saturday, September 06, 2003
Hee hee! I am now in my new room... it still smells like paint. I don't care; I am really just very happy to be in here. I forgot a bunch of stuff at home ... including my blanket but hey whatever. I do have a small blanket just not the big comforter that I was planning to bring. I will fetch that and a bunch of other stuff tomorrow. Right now I am going to go and sleep in my new bed. hee hee!
Hee hee! I am now in my new room... it still smells like paint. I don't care; I am really just very happy to be in here. I forgot a bunch of stuff at home ... including my blanket but hey whatever. I do have a small blanket just not the big comforter that I was planning to bring. I will fetch that and a bunch of other stuff tomorrow. Right now I am going to go and sleep in my new bed. hee hee!
I lied. I haven't been posting. I am a baaaddd baaaddd blogger. Ah well. I have been much busier than I thought I would have been. Much busier than I was when I posted last. I had fun with the holiday weekend... not going to describe that thanks. I don't want to think about it too much. No time to blog then and now I am blocking it out. After the weekend some of the camp employees ate worms... Don't even ask why. I had to go back to school early... I am still here actually. Got here on thursday after a great breakfast w/Shannon. Eight weeks felt like 8 hours and 8 years at the same time... Just so much information that needed to be shared. Let the bonding begin... New tutors, New New tutors and old tutors all together at last. I am slightly worried about this, but I suppose it will all work out in the end. The bonding fun continued yesterday at the ropes course... we are all in pain today, although I am rather surprised at myself for doing some of that stuff... Jessy of the no upper body streangth and everything. My shoulders still hurt tho. Today was orientation prep. We had to get the college ready for the mad influx of frosh that will be arriving in the morning. A few of them are here already. I am still somewhat homeless at least for a few more hours. We were told that we could move in on thursday, and some people could. But the rest of us who live in the new dorm have been strung along like popcorn waiting for our rooms. Yesterday they finally got a temporary certificate of occupancy, but the people who were doing the building had left such a mess that it won't be ready til 6pm today. I am so excited!
Tuesday, August 26, 2003
I didn't die on the plane... I have just been rather busy since I got home. I was a bit jetlagged for the first few days and then I was all manner of busy with work and stuff. My cousin and her fiance came over last weekend... more busy! lots of fun tho. Also last weekend was Knowlton Riverfest (a REALLY great music festival in our town every summer) and we had a booth this year selling beaver stuff. Nifty. Bought lots of crap; ate lots of crap; heard some really awesome bands; got a hug from the lead singer of Brother (bought a cd and got it signed too!) and nearly won a diggeridoo (damn! only 12 numbers off!). This week I have been stressing about my spastic cell phone, and going back to college, and my suddenly stalling car that needs an inspection, and the upcoming insane weekend, and my mum's un-serious surgery just before it so that she cant work... feh! (I think she scheduled it so she would have the weekend off!). Yeah... so I have been rather busy. Also I am slowly adjusting back to crappy dialup. It is sad and upsetting to have to call the internet every time you want to check your email... that is also non functional... at least the school email is. Feh on them too.
I will try to post more often. I came back home to find that my parents have been printing this and posting it in the office for all of our campers to see.... GAHHH! Feh on them too. I can't even go to the supermarket without hearing about it.. Riverfest was great except for the local people coming up and saying how much they heard about me from my parents... maybe this blog thing was not such a great idea... It isn't that bad... I guess I didnt realize how many locals know who I am.
Feh... I think that word pretty much sums up this past week and a half. I wish I had stayed in Oxford.
I didn't die on the plane... I have just been rather busy since I got home. I was a bit jetlagged for the first few days and then I was all manner of busy with work and stuff. My cousin and her fiance came over last weekend... more busy! lots of fun tho. Also last weekend was Knowlton Riverfest (a REALLY great music festival in our town every summer) and we had a booth this year selling beaver stuff. Nifty. Bought lots of crap; ate lots of crap; heard some really awesome bands; got a hug from the lead singer of Brother (bought a cd and got it signed too!) and nearly won a diggeridoo (damn! only 12 numbers off!). This week I have been stressing about my spastic cell phone, and going back to college, and my suddenly stalling car that needs an inspection, and the upcoming insane weekend, and my mum's un-serious surgery just before it so that she cant work... feh! (I think she scheduled it so she would have the weekend off!). Yeah... so I have been rather busy. Also I am slowly adjusting back to crappy dialup. It is sad and upsetting to have to call the internet every time you want to check your email... that is also non functional... at least the school email is. Feh on them too.
I will try to post more often. I came back home to find that my parents have been printing this and posting it in the office for all of our campers to see.... GAHHH! Feh on them too. I can't even go to the supermarket without hearing about it.. Riverfest was great except for the local people coming up and saying how much they heard about me from my parents... maybe this blog thing was not such a great idea... It isn't that bad... I guess I didnt realize how many locals know who I am.
Feh... I think that word pretty much sums up this past week and a half. I wish I had stayed in Oxford.
Saturday, August 16, 2003
Last night in england... I have been sporadic with my posts lately, mostly because I have been so busy packing. Les Miserables was wonderful even though our seats were on beyond the nosebleed seats. I bought the soundtrack and the programme and I now know nearly the entire score and definitely enough that the music gets stuck in my head. Today I watched Pirates again, just as spiffy this time except I stayed to watch the bit after the credits... I am not going to say anything about that because I dont want to spoil it for everyone... just watch the credits. I will say one word about it: "MONKEY!" In a few hours I will be on the bus to Heathrow, I am utterly packed save for my pjs and my laptop which should take me all of five minutes to pack up. I am sad that I can't squeeze in the clock radio that I bought here. I would like to have it just in case I ever make it back to the UK. I really wish that I didn't have to leave and I definitely want to come back as soon as i can afford it. I love it here. Well mostly. I could do with out the lamb and some of the other strange things these people eat. But it is such a fun and interesting place to be. I wish I could bring my family back with me, especially Josh. I think it would be a blast to go to Wales with Josh; so many castles and cool stuff there. I think my whole family would love to come here. Unfortunately it is unlikely that they will come until they build the bridge over the Atlantic which I don't think is going to happen anytime soon. I can't wait for our promised family vaccation this winter! I am so excited... I miss our vaccations so much... especially after our Wales trip! It was so much like our trip to Gettysburg nearly ten years ago: as much information as can be packed into a few days with lots of drive by touring inbetween.
Anyway... I am soon to be leaving this wonderful place called the United Kingdom. There are lots of things that I have seen but there is so much more that I haven't and would like to. I want to come back and have time to tour Europe and Ireland too! You can't always get what you want but I hope that this wish isn't too far out of my reach. I am starting to make less and less sense and I think that means that I should go to sleep. I will be home in aproximately 17 hours or so and I still feel like I should be here for a few more weeks. These past six weeks have gone by so quickly! and I should go to sleep.
Anyway... I am soon to be leaving this wonderful place called the United Kingdom. There are lots of things that I have seen but there is so much more that I haven't and would like to. I want to come back and have time to tour Europe and Ireland too! You can't always get what you want but I hope that this wish isn't too far out of my reach. I am starting to make less and less sense and I think that means that I should go to sleep. I will be home in aproximately 17 hours or so and I still feel like I should be here for a few more weeks. These past six weeks have gone by so quickly! and I should go to sleep.
Wednesday, August 13, 2003
I dont want to go home! I am all packed (save for some books I have to ship home) and I want to stay longer. I just saw Pirates of the Caribbean(sp) and It Was Fabulous... many very very pretty people telling bad bad jokes. also spiffy swordfights with skeletons :P I wish I could stay here and tour a bit more but it would be nice to go back to a place that has airconditioning. and ice. Ice would be nice. English ice doesnt make things cold... it makes the warm soda somewhat cooler but not cold. I am eternally grateful for the American style coffee shops that have frozen fruit and coffee drinks. they are wonderful... and unfortunately starting a special this week and not six weeks ago... blast! Sleep now... pub tour in the am followed by a church tour (maybe it is the other way round) and then dinner at the hard rock cafe and off to Les Mis. Party in london tomorrow night! and all for 17 pounds and 50 pence! hooray for!
Monday, August 11, 2003
Scotland was Awesome!
Got back from Glasgow last night. I had such a great time, but the beginning of the trip was rather stressful. The train ride was six hours so I got there at like one. The guy that sat next to me on the first train was really amusing. He was in his late 50s business executive or something and he was reading a sci fi book that I had with me on the train! We both were reading Lathe of Heaven by Ursula Le Guin! Totally random and really amusing to see a guy in a business suit reading a somewhat dog-eared copy of a sci-fi novel published in 1971. When I switched trains, I sat next to a guy who was asleep and then got off two stops along the way, so I sat alone for most of the trip. Yay! Later, this guy who was sitting across from me somehow discovered I was American and tried to have a political discussion with me. I avoided making a fool of myself but only just.
When I got off the train, I realized what an idiot I was for coming here with no idea what I was going to do or where I was going to stay. I found the first hostel on my list which was right next to the train station according to the little map I bought in the station. They had no rooms but they gave me the numbers of the other hostels in the area which reminded me that I had copied them all down earlier. The third place I called was the Blue Sky Hostel and it was awesome, tho I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to get there and went up some really steep and completely unnecessary hills in the process. The people there were so nice and we had lots of fun.
I toured all saturday and saw all sorts of awesome Charles Rennie Macintosh stuff which I absolutely adore. If I ever have enough money to have my own place and decorate it, I want it decorated in that style. It is just amazing. I had tea and lunch in the Willow Tea Room which was just beautiful. I spent a lot of money on post cards. I went back to Blue Sky Hostel after a very busy day and joined two of the other guests on a walk to find the botanical gardens. We walked right off of my map, found some very pretty gardens, got a bit wet in the rain, got a bit lost, got some guy's mobile number and an invitation to a flat warming party (we didn't go), got back eventually and discovered that those gardens were not the ones we set out to see. We then went out to a couple of clubs and had a bunch of fun.
Sunday I did some shopping (bought a skein of yarn and a crochet needle) and had tea at the Willow Tea Room again. I very reluctantly got on the train at four and began my journey home... I made half of a scarf on the way though. I wish I could have spent three more days there! There were still lots of things I hadn't seen (or bought).
Today I am doing laundry so that I dont have to pack dirty clothes and so that I will have clothes to wear since they are pretty much all dirty. Fun Fun Fun!
Got back from Glasgow last night. I had such a great time, but the beginning of the trip was rather stressful. The train ride was six hours so I got there at like one. The guy that sat next to me on the first train was really amusing. He was in his late 50s business executive or something and he was reading a sci fi book that I had with me on the train! We both were reading Lathe of Heaven by Ursula Le Guin! Totally random and really amusing to see a guy in a business suit reading a somewhat dog-eared copy of a sci-fi novel published in 1971. When I switched trains, I sat next to a guy who was asleep and then got off two stops along the way, so I sat alone for most of the trip. Yay! Later, this guy who was sitting across from me somehow discovered I was American and tried to have a political discussion with me. I avoided making a fool of myself but only just.
When I got off the train, I realized what an idiot I was for coming here with no idea what I was going to do or where I was going to stay. I found the first hostel on my list which was right next to the train station according to the little map I bought in the station. They had no rooms but they gave me the numbers of the other hostels in the area which reminded me that I had copied them all down earlier. The third place I called was the Blue Sky Hostel and it was awesome, tho I had a bit of trouble figuring out how to get there and went up some really steep and completely unnecessary hills in the process. The people there were so nice and we had lots of fun.
I toured all saturday and saw all sorts of awesome Charles Rennie Macintosh stuff which I absolutely adore. If I ever have enough money to have my own place and decorate it, I want it decorated in that style. It is just amazing. I had tea and lunch in the Willow Tea Room which was just beautiful. I spent a lot of money on post cards. I went back to Blue Sky Hostel after a very busy day and joined two of the other guests on a walk to find the botanical gardens. We walked right off of my map, found some very pretty gardens, got a bit wet in the rain, got a bit lost, got some guy's mobile number and an invitation to a flat warming party (we didn't go), got back eventually and discovered that those gardens were not the ones we set out to see. We then went out to a couple of clubs and had a bunch of fun.
Sunday I did some shopping (bought a skein of yarn and a crochet needle) and had tea at the Willow Tea Room again. I very reluctantly got on the train at four and began my journey home... I made half of a scarf on the way though. I wish I could have spent three more days there! There were still lots of things I hadn't seen (or bought).
Today I am doing laundry so that I dont have to pack dirty clothes and so that I will have clothes to wear since they are pretty much all dirty. Fun Fun Fun!
Thursday, August 07, 2003
going to scotland... not the tour tho.
I think I am just going to go to glasgow but I may take a day trip to edinbourgh. I have no idea where I am going to stay but I am going. Have a list of hostels and addresses and am willing to pay more money than I should for any kind of room. This is going to be a bit of an adventure. Will try to stop at internet cafes to post some more.
I think I am just going to go to glasgow but I may take a day trip to edinbourgh. I have no idea where I am going to stay but I am going. Have a list of hostels and addresses and am willing to pay more money than I should for any kind of room. This is going to be a bit of an adventure. Will try to stop at internet cafes to post some more.
Long time no Blog
It has been a bit of time since I posted and I have been rather busy. Mostly working on papers and such. I still am working on papers and such but I will finish that today. I didnt go to the concert because I was working on my paper... I should have. I also did the normal monday night formal dinner... this time I was seated at Head Table tho. That was fun. Tuesday was Jess's birthday and we took her out for a night on the town. I am sorry but I must not discuss the amusing events that followed, they are best left unpublished. We had a lot of fun and we were all awake before ten am the next day. Wednesday we went to Stratford upon Avon again and spent the whole day there. Prior to that I went to the market and did some serious impulse buying. I dont regret my purchases, and indeed wore the skirt to stratford. The play was Richard III and it was pretty good. The theatre was so incredibly hot that I kind of was distracted through some of it. Today i am finishing everything up and calling about possible weekend plans. I will try to post more often but it has just been a crazy week. Only one more week left to go. The past six weeks have flown!
at least it isnt as hot today!
It has been a bit of time since I posted and I have been rather busy. Mostly working on papers and such. I still am working on papers and such but I will finish that today. I didnt go to the concert because I was working on my paper... I should have. I also did the normal monday night formal dinner... this time I was seated at Head Table tho. That was fun. Tuesday was Jess's birthday and we took her out for a night on the town. I am sorry but I must not discuss the amusing events that followed, they are best left unpublished. We had a lot of fun and we were all awake before ten am the next day. Wednesday we went to Stratford upon Avon again and spent the whole day there. Prior to that I went to the market and did some serious impulse buying. I dont regret my purchases, and indeed wore the skirt to stratford. The play was Richard III and it was pretty good. The theatre was so incredibly hot that I kind of was distracted through some of it. Today i am finishing everything up and calling about possible weekend plans. I will try to post more often but it has just been a crazy week. Only one more week left to go. The past six weeks have flown!
at least it isnt as hot today!
Saturday, August 02, 2003
I just came back from the Opium Den where we had some fairly good but somewhat expensive Chinese food. No dinner at St. Peters tonight because the Damned High School Kids are leaving today! Yay! The business people left yesterday so now it is just us and the Intellectual Property people who are really cool anyway. No more waiting hours for the washing machine. No more loud kids on OUR steps at two am. Whoo Hoo! They were all in "formal" dress tonight and I wanted to alternately ask them where they bought their clothes and stab out my eyes. Such a medley of taste and trash! Most of it was WAAAYYY too revealing for high school sophmores and Juniors to be wearing too. They make me feel really old!
I suppose I should work on my paper some more. It just doesn't seem to want to be written.
I suppose I should work on my paper some more. It just doesn't seem to want to be written.
Friday, August 01, 2003
I have posted some of the Wales trip pictures... basically day 1 and day 2. I will post the other ones soon; I have to write some paper things this weekend so I shouldn't be mucking about on the computer. Feh!
I havent done much since wednesday night... Thursday we went on a trip to the Cotswalds and saw some medieval architecture... and some more sheep. Today I went to the library and (finally) bought an umbrella. I almost bought a pair of shoes and a dress but I didn't. I may go back for them. That is the extent of my week. My weekend will be spent writing papers and on Sunday night I will go and listen to Jack Gibbons play Chopin in Paris. I am going to buy his Cd and get him to sign it and bring my camera this time so that I can blog his pic. That is about it.
I havent done much since wednesday night... Thursday we went on a trip to the Cotswalds and saw some medieval architecture... and some more sheep. Today I went to the library and (finally) bought an umbrella. I almost bought a pair of shoes and a dress but I didn't. I may go back for them. That is the extent of my week. My weekend will be spent writing papers and on Sunday night I will go and listen to Jack Gibbons play Chopin in Paris. I am going to buy his Cd and get him to sign it and bring my camera this time so that I can blog his pic. That is about it.
Wednesday, July 30, 2003
Just got back from the BEST concert I have ever gone to. We went back to see Jack Gibbons play Gershwin and it was awesome. After the concert we met him in the pub and had a pint with him... he is really cool! Of course I forgot my camera but jess brought one so i shall scan it in when we get back and she sends out copies.
Tuesday, July 29, 2003
Wales trip
Right so here is my summary of the Wales trip. I just got the pics up on the site and will link the others soon.
Day 1
Saw the white horse of Effington out of the bus window along with neolithic farming terraces and some bronze age funeral mounds. Saw the biggest south bank tributary to the Thames which was smaller than Stoney Brook at home. Saw the modern site of an Anglo-Saxon town. We saw silbury hill which was this huge monument kind of like the pyramids and built the same way. I fell asleep while writing in my note book and went from describing Silbury hill to "I had a pint w/Allison, Erica" We looked at some of the building materials and how they relate to the geology of an area. Also went to Avebury henge. That was really cool... the local church is built inside of it- yay irony! Lots of sheep crap there tho. Then we crossed the border into wales. The signs were bilingual and that is just kewl! Went to Tintern abbey. It was absolutely gorgeous in the rain. I have no words for it and my pictures don't do it justice. Went through the forest of Dean. Saw Barday castle. In Chepstowe we stopped for the night at the Bowford Arms Hotel. The food was really good. Soup at last! We took a walk and saw a bunch of extremely drunk Welsh guys singing loudly for Welsh independance.
Day 2
Woke up to more rain. Lost my pen. Jess found it in my hair. Went to the walls of Chepstowe also known as Caerwent. My raincoat lost it's rain repelling abilities. We rode on the bus for a long time on day 2. I got soaked again when we went to look at the sea and this church that is kinda sinking. Back into the bus and some lunch enroute and it was Caerphilly castle. I broke out my poncho and the rain ended. Neat trick. I took lots of pictures and filled up the card that I came with. Back in the bus for the really long ride. We saw lots and lots of sheep, a few terrestrial crab farms and learned that in Wales, if it is flat land it gets turned into a rugby pitch. Ken Addison provided us with a stream of really awful jokes and we had to choose our meals for the rest of the trip. Stopped at the monument to Prince Llywelyn. Saw a really cool hawk and some plants that looked like purple lustrife. Then we stopped at Caban Coch which is a dam on a river in the mountains and was really pretty but still lots of sheep. We rode in the bus some more and ended up at the irish sea just as the sun was setting and the place looked just like a hudson river school painting. Got to the hotel kinda late around 9:15, sat down for dinner around ten. the manager aparently absconded two days ago and the people there had no idea we were coming. People had to share beds and things. To make up for it we got extra wine with dinner( which was really good.) and then hung out with the bartender til pretty late.
Day 3
Went to the barmouth estuary. The gold from the crown jewels came from the mountains around it. Then we went and looked at some dunes and some mud and did fun stuff like that. I was really very interesting. Stopped at a church that was half buried in sand dunes. Saw harlech castle. Drove the bus up snowdonia mountains highest mountains in england and Wales. Lots of sheep still. Hiked halfway up Mt Snowdon to this kewl glacial lake. Still some sheep. Beautiful view and lots of fun to hike tho kinda muddy. On the way back we learned that the Terrestrial Crab stuff was hooey. Stayed in Caernafon at a guest house that had two bathrooms for 22 people. That was fun... uh right. Also walked down to the castle there to get a pic of it lit up at night.
Day 4
Went to Caernafon castle... bought stuff and took lots of pics. Went to this big falling water power plant. Really neat. It is built inside of a mountain. makes lots of energy. Then we went to Great Orme Island which had a prehistoric bronze age copper mine that was just awesome. I bought stuff there and also learned that the purple plant I had been seeing was really purple lustrife. It was awesome! I think I am going to write a paper about bronze age mining. It is just so neat! I got their website but it is sadly out of date. There are lots of new finds and stuff that is going on right now! We saw the first iron bridge which was built using the technology for wood... dovetail joints and post and peg things and stuff. Then we went to dinner and went back to Oxford... by the last half hour, Jess and I were singing showtunes and oldies.
Day 1
Saw the white horse of Effington out of the bus window along with neolithic farming terraces and some bronze age funeral mounds. Saw the biggest south bank tributary to the Thames which was smaller than Stoney Brook at home. Saw the modern site of an Anglo-Saxon town. We saw silbury hill which was this huge monument kind of like the pyramids and built the same way. I fell asleep while writing in my note book and went from describing Silbury hill to "I had a pint w/Allison, Erica" We looked at some of the building materials and how they relate to the geology of an area. Also went to Avebury henge. That was really cool... the local church is built inside of it- yay irony! Lots of sheep crap there tho. Then we crossed the border into wales. The signs were bilingual and that is just kewl! Went to Tintern abbey. It was absolutely gorgeous in the rain. I have no words for it and my pictures don't do it justice. Went through the forest of Dean. Saw Barday castle. In Chepstowe we stopped for the night at the Bowford Arms Hotel. The food was really good. Soup at last! We took a walk and saw a bunch of extremely drunk Welsh guys singing loudly for Welsh independance.
Day 2
Woke up to more rain. Lost my pen. Jess found it in my hair. Went to the walls of Chepstowe also known as Caerwent. My raincoat lost it's rain repelling abilities. We rode on the bus for a long time on day 2. I got soaked again when we went to look at the sea and this church that is kinda sinking. Back into the bus and some lunch enroute and it was Caerphilly castle. I broke out my poncho and the rain ended. Neat trick. I took lots of pictures and filled up the card that I came with. Back in the bus for the really long ride. We saw lots and lots of sheep, a few terrestrial crab farms and learned that in Wales, if it is flat land it gets turned into a rugby pitch. Ken Addison provided us with a stream of really awful jokes and we had to choose our meals for the rest of the trip. Stopped at the monument to Prince Llywelyn. Saw a really cool hawk and some plants that looked like purple lustrife. Then we stopped at Caban Coch which is a dam on a river in the mountains and was really pretty but still lots of sheep. We rode in the bus some more and ended up at the irish sea just as the sun was setting and the place looked just like a hudson river school painting. Got to the hotel kinda late around 9:15, sat down for dinner around ten. the manager aparently absconded two days ago and the people there had no idea we were coming. People had to share beds and things. To make up for it we got extra wine with dinner( which was really good.) and then hung out with the bartender til pretty late.
Day 3
Went to the barmouth estuary. The gold from the crown jewels came from the mountains around it. Then we went and looked at some dunes and some mud and did fun stuff like that. I was really very interesting. Stopped at a church that was half buried in sand dunes. Saw harlech castle. Drove the bus up snowdonia mountains highest mountains in england and Wales. Lots of sheep still. Hiked halfway up Mt Snowdon to this kewl glacial lake. Still some sheep. Beautiful view and lots of fun to hike tho kinda muddy. On the way back we learned that the Terrestrial Crab stuff was hooey. Stayed in Caernafon at a guest house that had two bathrooms for 22 people. That was fun... uh right. Also walked down to the castle there to get a pic of it lit up at night.
Day 4
Went to Caernafon castle... bought stuff and took lots of pics. Went to this big falling water power plant. Really neat. It is built inside of a mountain. makes lots of energy. Then we went to Great Orme Island which had a prehistoric bronze age copper mine that was just awesome. I bought stuff there and also learned that the purple plant I had been seeing was really purple lustrife. It was awesome! I think I am going to write a paper about bronze age mining. It is just so neat! I got their website but it is sadly out of date. There are lots of new finds and stuff that is going on right now! We saw the first iron bridge which was built using the technology for wood... dovetail joints and post and peg things and stuff. Then we went to dinner and went back to Oxford... by the last half hour, Jess and I were singing showtunes and oldies.
Sunday, July 27, 2003
Just got back from the most awesome experience of my entire life!
I have so much to tell everyone but I am too tired to blog it all right now. Suffice to say that I am overjoyed, in oxford, and have "In the Heat of the Night" stuck in my head. I am going to go to bed and contemplate terrestrial crab farming as an alternative to sheep herding in Wales.
I have so much to tell everyone but I am too tired to blog it all right now. Suffice to say that I am overjoyed, in oxford, and have "In the Heat of the Night" stuck in my head. I am going to go to bed and contemplate terrestrial crab farming as an alternative to sheep herding in Wales.
Wednesday, July 23, 2003
Chopin concert was excellent... I may go to this guy's next wednesday concert; he'll be playing Gershwin. Unfortunately I will miss the one on sunday, we will return too late. He is an amazing pianist and we had two encore pieces! Yay! Bach will always be my favorite but I think that Chopin moved up a notch tonight!
Much fun... I am updating my pics now so soonly they will be here and I will rectify the multiplicity of men in the photogalleries. Don't know why frontpage (a hex on all things microsoft) decided that it was smarter than me and put them in there. This is really the last blog til I go... maybe... so Happy Birthday Mommy and I will blog it all on monday... or sunday night, depending on how tired I am.
Much fun... I am updating my pics now so soonly they will be here and I will rectify the multiplicity of men in the photogalleries. Don't know why frontpage (a hex on all things microsoft) decided that it was smarter than me and put them in there. This is really the last blog til I go... maybe... so Happy Birthday Mommy and I will blog it all on monday... or sunday night, depending on how tired I am.
Well I leave for my trip to Wales tomorrow. I am going to post the rest of my pictures tonight and wipe the cards clean. (I will burn them to a disk, mom, because I know that you don't like to trust the internet or my hard drive) Before I go and have all of this taken out of my head by new info, I want to say a few things that surprised me about England in no particular order.
1. Too many Americans. Everywhere I go there are at least a dozen of them... and not just in touristy areas either. I am surprized that there is anyone left at home at all! I wonder if all the Americans overseas came home if the population would double or the country overflow?
2. The weather-- it is HOT here one day and raining the next but the sun always comes out at some point. It is odd.
3. The sun comes up so Bloody Early and goes down so late. Intellectually I know that England is very far North but the whole sun thing is throwing me off. I think that it is two and it is really six or I think it is six and it is really nine.
4. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING in Oxford closes between 5 and 6. Restaurants stop serving at 7:30. At home, there are restaurants that dont even open til 6. It drives me nuts! Combine this with number three and you have major problems!
5. Dogs. There are dogs everywhere. People bring them with them everywhere. The bums on the street have them, little old ladies have them in their hand baskets while shopping for clothes. It is crazy. And unless you see them you dont know that they are there because I have yet to hear one bark.
6. Diversity. I hear more languages while walking down Cornmarket street than I have heard in my life.
7. They sell the same crap here that they do at home. Everything is the same except the words are spelled wrong and the price has a funny "L" thing in front of it instead of a funny "S" thing. I keep seeing stuff we sell in our shop at home.
8. Thongs. They are everywhere. Lurking on everyone. Turn around on the street an the person in front of you suddenly has low riding pants and a hi riding top and a butterfly thong emerging from the jellyrolls around her middle. Or sheer pants. That just isnt pleasant folks! Really it isnt!
9. Sheer clothing on people who shouldnt be wearing it. Or just sheer clothing in general. "nothanksI'drathernotseeyourunderwear" or "ohmygodIamgoingblind! PUTSOMECLOTHESON!" either way, not fun.
10. Ice, or the lack thereof. Nothing is cold here. Beer is warm... that is ok. Soda, however should not be warm. Soda should have ice in it. Too much ice in it so you can crunch on it. Bah!
There were more but I can't think of them right now...
It will be at least Monday before I blog again so just hold your horses and you will all hear about Wales and my adventures on the way, there, and back.
1. Too many Americans. Everywhere I go there are at least a dozen of them... and not just in touristy areas either. I am surprized that there is anyone left at home at all! I wonder if all the Americans overseas came home if the population would double or the country overflow?
2. The weather-- it is HOT here one day and raining the next but the sun always comes out at some point. It is odd.
3. The sun comes up so Bloody Early and goes down so late. Intellectually I know that England is very far North but the whole sun thing is throwing me off. I think that it is two and it is really six or I think it is six and it is really nine.
4. Everything, I mean EVERYTHING in Oxford closes between 5 and 6. Restaurants stop serving at 7:30. At home, there are restaurants that dont even open til 6. It drives me nuts! Combine this with number three and you have major problems!
5. Dogs. There are dogs everywhere. People bring them with them everywhere. The bums on the street have them, little old ladies have them in their hand baskets while shopping for clothes. It is crazy. And unless you see them you dont know that they are there because I have yet to hear one bark.
6. Diversity. I hear more languages while walking down Cornmarket street than I have heard in my life.
7. They sell the same crap here that they do at home. Everything is the same except the words are spelled wrong and the price has a funny "L" thing in front of it instead of a funny "S" thing. I keep seeing stuff we sell in our shop at home.
8. Thongs. They are everywhere. Lurking on everyone. Turn around on the street an the person in front of you suddenly has low riding pants and a hi riding top and a butterfly thong emerging from the jellyrolls around her middle. Or sheer pants. That just isnt pleasant folks! Really it isnt!
9. Sheer clothing on people who shouldnt be wearing it. Or just sheer clothing in general. "nothanksI'drathernotseeyourunderwear" or "ohmygodIamgoingblind! PUTSOMECLOTHESON!" either way, not fun.
10. Ice, or the lack thereof. Nothing is cold here. Beer is warm... that is ok. Soda, however should not be warm. Soda should have ice in it. Too much ice in it so you can crunch on it. Bah!
There were more but I can't think of them right now...
It will be at least Monday before I blog again so just hold your horses and you will all hear about Wales and my adventures on the way, there, and back.
Went to the Ashmolean
I went to the Ashmolean museum this morning... it is odd to see things in person that you've seen in an art history book. I love the seal stones... little gemstones set in rings or just as beads that have a design carved into them that you press into wax to place your seal on something. They had thousands of them and they are beautiful... such detail! I want one now... though I have no idea why I would ever need one or if I would ever use it. I also went across the way from the Museum to buy my ticket to the Chopin concert tonight. Several people are going to come and I am really excited about it. I am not sure if I should dress up or not though. Today's attire is pretty spiffy except for the boots-silk blouse and green slacks with work boots- so I guess I should be ok. Now I am going to the market to browse a bit more.
Tuesday, July 22, 2003
Last night a formal dinner
Last night at formal dinner I think they refilled the wine more often than usual. Everyone was more than a bit drunk before they reached the Three Goats Heads. I only had one glass of white and one glass of red with dinner so I was really amused by their antics. I will not repeat on this blog what I overheard last night. Anyway, fun was had by all and then a few people wished that they didn't have quite so much fun. I just had fun. For some reason, I can't sleep past six thirty here even if I completely close the curtains. It is weird. I am also never tired when I wake up so I guess it is alright.
London was really a lot of fun although I really have to go back and do more stuff. I was really tired on Sunday after my adventure in Bath and so I was easily overwhelmed by the amount of things to do there. I think I forgot that it is a real city and more like NYC than like Oxford... those being the only two cities that I have any familiarity with at all. Bath fell in to the "Oxford" catagory.
Anyway, Sunday morning I went to London and promptly bought a hop on/off tour bus ticket because I had really no idea where I should go or what I should do or how to get there. It was really a good idea. As I rode around the city in the top of the bus, I realized that I needed to come back again and do more stuff. I am well aware of how long it takes me to do a museum so I have resigned myself to not going to all of them. I did get off the bus and go to the Tower of London and the National Art Gallery. I stopped and had linner in a very nice pub which I chose because it had the same name as one of my favourite pubs in Oxford... The King's Arms. Had a very good meat pie. At 5pm I went to the National Gallery for a little while again and then watched some really amusing red Giraffs in Trifalgar Sqare. There was some sort of huge opera thing going on with the girraffs and people dressed in red feathers... I have no idea what it was about. At 6pm I walked over to the Ghost Walking Tour by Gaslight/Pub Crawl that came with my bus ticket. The tour was really fun and the guide, Paul, was really quite amusing. I met a very nice girl from Baja Mexico called Maru. She and I walked around together and talked a bit. She was trying to get a hold of her friend in London to find out where he lives so that she could stay there until 5am when her bus to venice leaves. She never did get a hold of him and our tour guide was kind enough to show her where a late night Spanish Bar and a 24hour Internet Cafe were. We exchanged emails and I hope that she replies soon because I want to know how she fared. I had a bit of an adventure getting back to the bus station (I was really close to it- just on the other side of the block. I just didn't know that) but a soon as I saw it I was in the clear. I love the 24 hour London to Oxford express! So wonderful, So cheap, So close to St. Peters! I was so tired that I didn't even turn on my computer when I got back in. I just went straight to sleep.
London was really a lot of fun although I really have to go back and do more stuff. I was really tired on Sunday after my adventure in Bath and so I was easily overwhelmed by the amount of things to do there. I think I forgot that it is a real city and more like NYC than like Oxford... those being the only two cities that I have any familiarity with at all. Bath fell in to the "Oxford" catagory.
Anyway, Sunday morning I went to London and promptly bought a hop on/off tour bus ticket because I had really no idea where I should go or what I should do or how to get there. It was really a good idea. As I rode around the city in the top of the bus, I realized that I needed to come back again and do more stuff. I am well aware of how long it takes me to do a museum so I have resigned myself to not going to all of them. I did get off the bus and go to the Tower of London and the National Art Gallery. I stopped and had linner in a very nice pub which I chose because it had the same name as one of my favourite pubs in Oxford... The King's Arms. Had a very good meat pie. At 5pm I went to the National Gallery for a little while again and then watched some really amusing red Giraffs in Trifalgar Sqare. There was some sort of huge opera thing going on with the girraffs and people dressed in red feathers... I have no idea what it was about. At 6pm I walked over to the Ghost Walking Tour by Gaslight/Pub Crawl that came with my bus ticket. The tour was really fun and the guide, Paul, was really quite amusing. I met a very nice girl from Baja Mexico called Maru. She and I walked around together and talked a bit. She was trying to get a hold of her friend in London to find out where he lives so that she could stay there until 5am when her bus to venice leaves. She never did get a hold of him and our tour guide was kind enough to show her where a late night Spanish Bar and a 24hour Internet Cafe were. We exchanged emails and I hope that she replies soon because I want to know how she fared. I had a bit of an adventure getting back to the bus station (I was really close to it- just on the other side of the block. I just didn't know that) but a soon as I saw it I was in the clear. I love the 24 hour London to Oxford express! So wonderful, So cheap, So close to St. Peters! I was so tired that I didn't even turn on my computer when I got back in. I just went straight to sleep.
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Well that was fun! I left an hour earlier than I planned and alone and got there fortyfive minutes later and in a party of five. I woke up early so I decided to go on the 833 train to Bath instead of the 933. The fare was only 8.50! So as I was a bit early I got a yogurt and sat on the benches. Ten minutes before the train was to leave, four of the other people staying at St. Peters showed up at the trainstation. Aparrently they wanted to go to Bath too and had heard that I was taking the train. So we said hello and discussed what we wanted to see. It turned out that what I wanted to do did not really over lap with them so we were basically just traveling there together. We got on the train and off at our switch. I looked at the schedule and our connecting train went from delayed to cancelled in the space of five minutes. the next one wasnt for another hour... I should have slept in. We kill an hour at the trainstation and just as we are about to get onto the next train we see charles who is going to bristol on the same train. We get on the train and it is packed. Standing room only because the first one was cancelled. I spent forty minutes standing in the little space between the car and the dining area with four other people.... fun.
We get to bath and have some lunch. Over lunch we discuss the things we plan to do. All I wanted to do was go to the Baths and to the costume museum and maybe see if the balloon rides were running. They wanted to go to the jane austin museum and have a high tea. We went our separate ways and they did go to the baths but we must have missed each other because I didn't see them again until i got back. I asked the tourist info about the baloons but they said it was too windy. So then I went pretty much straight to the baths and stayed there for at least two hours. Amazing. Great audio tour. just amazing. I bought the joint ticket that gets you into the costume museum too so I went there afterwards, stopping at several shops on my way up the hill. Bath has a lot of fashion shops and none of those fashions like me so I didn't spend too much time. The fashion museum was awesome and I was there for two and a half hours until the lady tapped me on the shoulder and said that the museum was closing in five minutes.
I wandered back down and cought a few more shops before they closed and went back to the train station and immediately found a train to the switch and as soon as I got there, boarded a direct train to oxford. When I returned we watched a movie and now I am going to bed. I think I may catch a bus to london tomorrow. I am hoping to find another day to go as well.
Well that was fun! I left an hour earlier than I planned and alone and got there fortyfive minutes later and in a party of five. I woke up early so I decided to go on the 833 train to Bath instead of the 933. The fare was only 8.50! So as I was a bit early I got a yogurt and sat on the benches. Ten minutes before the train was to leave, four of the other people staying at St. Peters showed up at the trainstation. Aparrently they wanted to go to Bath too and had heard that I was taking the train. So we said hello and discussed what we wanted to see. It turned out that what I wanted to do did not really over lap with them so we were basically just traveling there together. We got on the train and off at our switch. I looked at the schedule and our connecting train went from delayed to cancelled in the space of five minutes. the next one wasnt for another hour... I should have slept in. We kill an hour at the trainstation and just as we are about to get onto the next train we see charles who is going to bristol on the same train. We get on the train and it is packed. Standing room only because the first one was cancelled. I spent forty minutes standing in the little space between the car and the dining area with four other people.... fun.
We get to bath and have some lunch. Over lunch we discuss the things we plan to do. All I wanted to do was go to the Baths and to the costume museum and maybe see if the balloon rides were running. They wanted to go to the jane austin museum and have a high tea. We went our separate ways and they did go to the baths but we must have missed each other because I didn't see them again until i got back. I asked the tourist info about the baloons but they said it was too windy. So then I went pretty much straight to the baths and stayed there for at least two hours. Amazing. Great audio tour. just amazing. I bought the joint ticket that gets you into the costume museum too so I went there afterwards, stopping at several shops on my way up the hill. Bath has a lot of fashion shops and none of those fashions like me so I didn't spend too much time. The fashion museum was awesome and I was there for two and a half hours until the lady tapped me on the shoulder and said that the museum was closing in five minutes.
I wandered back down and cought a few more shops before they closed and went back to the train station and immediately found a train to the switch and as soon as I got there, boarded a direct train to oxford. When I returned we watched a movie and now I am going to bed. I think I may catch a bus to london tomorrow. I am hoping to find another day to go as well.
Leaving for bath
Ok well I am leaving for Bath now... on the train... this is going to be interesting and I will blog all about it when I return... just a side note- what is the deal with the fish and chips- a person can only eat so many fries!
Friday, July 18, 2003 - Bath's premier website for shopping, tourism, attractions, accommodation, what's on and things to do in Bath
Well I guess I am going to Bath this saturday. I have to go via london because only one bus runs from Oxford but that isn't too bad. I will arrive there at 12:45 and leave around six thirty. I won't get back to Oxford til almost 11:30 but that is OK too. Then Sunday I think I will go spend the day in London. I don't think I want to spend the night in Bath. It isn't really that far away, although by the time I change buses it is like a 4 and 1/2 hour trip. There are hostels where I could stay but I don't really want to stay the night there. I will browse the Bath site and blog where I want to go.
In and out
In and out
Last night after dinner I decided that I wanted to see if the King's Arms had Strongbow glasses that I might be able to abscond with. No one seemed particularly interested in joining me as they were all getting drunk in the courtyard having gone to the liquor store earlier. So I took a walk down there. As I turned the corner by St. Peter's I saw one of the girls coming back from her after dinner run. I asked her if she wanted to stop by the King's Arms with me. She wasn't sure so I was to wait for her for 20 min and then not worry about it. I got to the king's arms, ordered a cider and discovered that not only do they not have strongbow glasses, they do not have strongbow... just some random other cider.
I sat outside and drank my cider in the somewhat sporatic mist that passes for rain here. I got a few odd looks for that but the tables weren't even wet. Five minutes later, Jess is walking up the street. She asks to borrow my camera because she saw a bike she wants to take a picture of... which I would link to if my bloody picture site was working.... ahem. The guy at the table next to me gave me a weird look for giving my camera to this random girl that came up to me... ah well. Jess comes back, gets a pint of Stella and then regrets it because the King's Arms has lots of interesting beers on tap. We decided the other girl must have gotten distracted by the guys in the Quad or something. We decide on another round before we try to find a pub with strongbow glasses. I got this delicious honey beer, and ten minutes later Jess got a special bitter which she didn't like so we switched. By that time we had moved inside and out of the suddenly much harder rain. We decided against another pub and left the Kings arms to find a chip truck and get some chips and cheese. Got our fries and went home only to be met by one of the guys who wanted to get a couple pints to help him write his paper.
We wandered down to Rosie's and listened to the live band sing bad, old music... I still have Elton John singing in my head. After last call, we wandered back to St. Peter's and ran into a bunch of the guys and one of the girls who were drinking in the quad. They wanted to get some food from the chip truck so we went back out with them. We came back (on the way, one dropped some of his chili on his shoe) and got in the door. We talked for a few minutes and then one of them said that he needed to eat but had to go to the ATM first. So we went back out. Got him some taco badness and came back again. This time we dispersed and went back to our respective rooms.
This morning, however, all of the girls who didn't go out with us were rather wretched. I guess there must be something in the chips because everyone who ate them is fine.
Hooray for greasy fries that come off trucks in the middle of the ... well not even that late at night. I was in bed by 12:30.
Last night after dinner I decided that I wanted to see if the King's Arms had Strongbow glasses that I might be able to abscond with. No one seemed particularly interested in joining me as they were all getting drunk in the courtyard having gone to the liquor store earlier. So I took a walk down there. As I turned the corner by St. Peter's I saw one of the girls coming back from her after dinner run. I asked her if she wanted to stop by the King's Arms with me. She wasn't sure so I was to wait for her for 20 min and then not worry about it. I got to the king's arms, ordered a cider and discovered that not only do they not have strongbow glasses, they do not have strongbow... just some random other cider.
I sat outside and drank my cider in the somewhat sporatic mist that passes for rain here. I got a few odd looks for that but the tables weren't even wet. Five minutes later, Jess is walking up the street. She asks to borrow my camera because she saw a bike she wants to take a picture of... which I would link to if my bloody picture site was working.... ahem. The guy at the table next to me gave me a weird look for giving my camera to this random girl that came up to me... ah well. Jess comes back, gets a pint of Stella and then regrets it because the King's Arms has lots of interesting beers on tap. We decided the other girl must have gotten distracted by the guys in the Quad or something. We decide on another round before we try to find a pub with strongbow glasses. I got this delicious honey beer, and ten minutes later Jess got a special bitter which she didn't like so we switched. By that time we had moved inside and out of the suddenly much harder rain. We decided against another pub and left the Kings arms to find a chip truck and get some chips and cheese. Got our fries and went home only to be met by one of the guys who wanted to get a couple pints to help him write his paper.
We wandered down to Rosie's and listened to the live band sing bad, old music... I still have Elton John singing in my head. After last call, we wandered back to St. Peter's and ran into a bunch of the guys and one of the girls who were drinking in the quad. They wanted to get some food from the chip truck so we went back out with them. We came back (on the way, one dropped some of his chili on his shoe) and got in the door. We talked for a few minutes and then one of them said that he needed to eat but had to go to the ATM first. So we went back out. Got him some taco badness and came back again. This time we dispersed and went back to our respective rooms.
This morning, however, all of the girls who didn't go out with us were rather wretched. I guess there must be something in the chips because everyone who ate them is fine.
Hooray for greasy fries that come off trucks in the middle of the ... well not even that late at night. I was in bed by 12:30.
Thursday, July 17, 2003
rainy day!
Rainy day
It is raining again today. Kind of a soft cool drizzle with a somewhat gusty wind. I rather like it; it makes a nice change from the hot sunny weather that we have been having.
Just an update for you picture people- the centenary site is down so I can't put any pictures up right now. Also my computer has decided that he doesn't remember that I installed the driver for my camera. So now I have to get my pictures the bass ackward way. Feh on technology!
Last night we watched Excaliber. For those of you who haven't seen it -- consider yourselves LUCKY! The movie was so bad that we went out to get a drink so that the bad parts would seem funnier even though they really aren't supposed to be. The acting sucks, the music is like a bad rip off of StarWars (come to think of it, most of the movie is a bad rip off of StarWars) and the damn thing is almost three hours long. It was not fun.
It is raining again today. Kind of a soft cool drizzle with a somewhat gusty wind. I rather like it; it makes a nice change from the hot sunny weather that we have been having.
Just an update for you picture people- the centenary site is down so I can't put any pictures up right now. Also my computer has decided that he doesn't remember that I installed the driver for my camera. So now I have to get my pictures the bass ackward way. Feh on technology!
Last night we watched Excaliber. For those of you who haven't seen it -- consider yourselves LUCKY! The movie was so bad that we went out to get a drink so that the bad parts would seem funnier even though they really aren't supposed to be. The acting sucks, the music is like a bad rip off of StarWars (come to think of it, most of the movie is a bad rip off of StarWars) and the damn thing is almost three hours long. It was not fun.
Standing in the English Rain.
Yesterday's trip was incredible! We first went to Old Sarem to this old castle ruin. Really interesting walls made of a stone that I would swear is flint. We then moved on to Salisbury Cathedral and then wandered around the town. Beautiful! Everything was Beautiful. Then we went to Stonehenge which was the most amazing experience that i have ever had. Even though you can't really get that close to it, it is just amazing. There are no words to describe it. My pictures do not do it justice. To top it all off, though it rained the entire time we were in the bus, the whole time that we were out of the bus the rain stopped and the sun came out a bit. Such an Awesome day! (in the sense of inspiring such awe that you get some serious goosebumps just thinking about it)
Yesterday's trip was incredible! We first went to Old Sarem to this old castle ruin. Really interesting walls made of a stone that I would swear is flint. We then moved on to Salisbury Cathedral and then wandered around the town. Beautiful! Everything was Beautiful. Then we went to Stonehenge which was the most amazing experience that i have ever had. Even though you can't really get that close to it, it is just amazing. There are no words to describe it. My pictures do not do it justice. To top it all off, though it rained the entire time we were in the bus, the whole time that we were out of the bus the rain stopped and the sun came out a bit. Such an Awesome day! (in the sense of inspiring such awe that you get some serious goosebumps just thinking about it)
Tuesday, July 15, 2003
In the morning I am off to visit Stonehenge! It is so danged hot here right now that I am not sure that I'll be able to go to sleep. That and I am Really Thirsty but Sainsbury's was out of water... so I got soda which really didn't help me at all. Feh.
Yesterday's concert of Medieval Music was awesome! Really informative and very beautiful music. I have some pics of the people all spiffed up for formal dinner but I forgot my camera for the concert. Too bad, I wanted to take a picture of that crazy dance we all did. It was rather amusing. Called the Crazy Hermit or something... very funny. I am going to mail all of my postcards in the morning too so if I have your address, expect some mail in the somewhat near future.
Yesterday morning I also updated my pictures page so if you want to see my latest purchases and pics of random people and pubs just click away! They all think that I am crazy here because I always have my camera. They just don't realize how totally insane I actually am.
Yawn! I think it is naptime!
In the morning I am off to visit Stonehenge! It is so danged hot here right now that I am not sure that I'll be able to go to sleep. That and I am Really Thirsty but Sainsbury's was out of water... so I got soda which really didn't help me at all. Feh.
Yesterday's concert of Medieval Music was awesome! Really informative and very beautiful music. I have some pics of the people all spiffed up for formal dinner but I forgot my camera for the concert. Too bad, I wanted to take a picture of that crazy dance we all did. It was rather amusing. Called the Crazy Hermit or something... very funny. I am going to mail all of my postcards in the morning too so if I have your address, expect some mail in the somewhat near future.
Yesterday morning I also updated my pictures page so if you want to see my latest purchases and pics of random people and pubs just click away! They all think that I am crazy here because I always have my camera. They just don't realize how totally insane I actually am.
Yawn! I think it is naptime!
The Gamer's Lovesong
All Gamers must go to this site at once and download this awesome song! It is absolutely spifftaculous! All non-gamers please go back to your sad, normal, game-free lives or listen to this song and be either completely bored or infected with that thing called geekhood.
stolen from Sleeping Wolf
critical hit on my heart
stolen from Sleeping Wolf
critical hit on my heart
Sunday, July 13, 2003
Fun with Pubs
Fun with Pubs
Last night we went out with Bryon again. He left for Leeds today. First we went to the Castle, where he had gone when he was here twelve years ago. Now it seems that it has changed a bit in twelve years because it is now a popular place for gay men to hang out. All five of us happen to be straight although Bryon sometimes doesn't look it. The really amusing part was that he had just been telling us about his adventures in the gay bars of Chicago which he just seems to randomly pick out. He has said that if he was single and gay he'd never want for dates. We found this all rather amusing, finished our drinks and went in to the pub nextdoor called The Jolly Farmer. As we walk in, we notice that it is pretty much the same kind of place as the first pub only it is busier. This was even more amusing. After we finished those drinks, we wandered a bit until we came upon the Duke of York. This pub did not cater to any particular sexual orientation, but it was rather interesting just the same. Part of our problem has been finding pubs that aren't full of Americans... we'd found one but we weren't sure that we wanted to stay there. There were some... interesting... characters there and a live band that was... um... interesting. We sat outside and watched the cars. After finishing those drinks, we walked a bit more and got some... interesting food off of a Chip Truck (these trucks that come out after everyone stops serving food that have pitas and fried stuff) We then went into the Guiness Time pub that we had gone to before. I think it is actually called Rosie O'Gradie's or something. Inside we sat and chatted until this somewhat intoxicated and very frustrated guy came in. Then we stared and laughed. He apparently wanted to go to the Chicago Rock club across the street but they would not let him in because he had trainers on. he came in to this pub to take his black socks off and put them over his sneakers so that they would look like black shoes. The entire process was hysterically funny and the end result did not even look that bad but by the time he finished and went back over it was almost time for them to close. So he just came back and talked to us. All in all a very amusing night for all involved.
I've been writing postcards today and feel very silly because most of the people I am sending them to actually read this silly blog and it just seems kind of stupid to send postcards too. But then I feel silly most of the time so this is nothing new.
I am starting to get tired of English food. This weekend I decided not to eat at St. Peters and have been going out for meals. It is very refreshing to eat something that isn't fried, although the food here is really good sometimes it just gets a bit tiresome.
Last night we went out with Bryon again. He left for Leeds today. First we went to the Castle, where he had gone when he was here twelve years ago. Now it seems that it has changed a bit in twelve years because it is now a popular place for gay men to hang out. All five of us happen to be straight although Bryon sometimes doesn't look it. The really amusing part was that he had just been telling us about his adventures in the gay bars of Chicago which he just seems to randomly pick out. He has said that if he was single and gay he'd never want for dates. We found this all rather amusing, finished our drinks and went in to the pub nextdoor called The Jolly Farmer. As we walk in, we notice that it is pretty much the same kind of place as the first pub only it is busier. This was even more amusing. After we finished those drinks, we wandered a bit until we came upon the Duke of York. This pub did not cater to any particular sexual orientation, but it was rather interesting just the same. Part of our problem has been finding pubs that aren't full of Americans... we'd found one but we weren't sure that we wanted to stay there. There were some... interesting... characters there and a live band that was... um... interesting. We sat outside and watched the cars. After finishing those drinks, we walked a bit more and got some... interesting food off of a Chip Truck (these trucks that come out after everyone stops serving food that have pitas and fried stuff) We then went into the Guiness Time pub that we had gone to before. I think it is actually called Rosie O'Gradie's or something. Inside we sat and chatted until this somewhat intoxicated and very frustrated guy came in. Then we stared and laughed. He apparently wanted to go to the Chicago Rock club across the street but they would not let him in because he had trainers on. he came in to this pub to take his black socks off and put them over his sneakers so that they would look like black shoes. The entire process was hysterically funny and the end result did not even look that bad but by the time he finished and went back over it was almost time for them to close. So he just came back and talked to us. All in all a very amusing night for all involved.
I've been writing postcards today and feel very silly because most of the people I am sending them to actually read this silly blog and it just seems kind of stupid to send postcards too. But then I feel silly most of the time so this is nothing new.
I am starting to get tired of English food. This weekend I decided not to eat at St. Peters and have been going out for meals. It is very refreshing to eat something that isn't fried, although the food here is really good sometimes it just gets a bit tiresome.
Saturday, July 12, 2003
Sorry... long time no post
I've been a bit busy and havent posted so here is a quick rundown of what I have been doing.
Wednesday- I swore that I would not kindle and open flame in the Bodlian library... then drooled over the books. Came back here, had lunch then went on a walking tour of Oxford... that was fun ish... I took pictures. I came back here and immediately got on a bus for Stratford where we watched some swans do water balet , visited Shakespeare's birthplace, and saw a play by John Fletcher. Very funny play. we came home and went to sleep.
Thursday- Did some work in the morning, went to lunch with President Hoyt, his wife, the Reverend Dean Doctor Bryon Grigsby, and everyone from Centenary. Rachel chickened out and left before we went punting... we went punting. It was fun but I felt bad for Bryon and Jerry who had to pole the boats. We came back, I did some more work and then we went out to buy Jerry a drink for not tipping us into the drink.
Friday- Did way more work than I have been doing. Bought a jacket, went to the Turf Tavern for dinner (it dates to the 12th century) with Bryon, Jess, Rachel, and Kathy and had Fish and Chips. We continued on to the Kings Arms pub and The Crown and when the pubs closed we went to O'Neils and met up with Jerry and then we all closed O'Neils. We came back to St. Peters and sat outside. I took pictures of that too but they haven't made it online yet. Somewhere Rachel aquired two pub glasses and they ended up in Jess's bag. We went to bed at one thirty.
Saturday- The sun woke me up at 5:30. I told it to go to hell and it woke me up again at 7. Today I plan to finish up my papers and do some stuff around oxford, do laundry, write some postcards and then Bryon wants to go out again before he leaves for Leeds Sunday morning.
I am having a blast and wish all of you were here.
Wednesday- I swore that I would not kindle and open flame in the Bodlian library... then drooled over the books. Came back here, had lunch then went on a walking tour of Oxford... that was fun ish... I took pictures. I came back here and immediately got on a bus for Stratford where we watched some swans do water balet , visited Shakespeare's birthplace, and saw a play by John Fletcher. Very funny play. we came home and went to sleep.
Thursday- Did some work in the morning, went to lunch with President Hoyt, his wife, the Reverend Dean Doctor Bryon Grigsby, and everyone from Centenary. Rachel chickened out and left before we went punting... we went punting. It was fun but I felt bad for Bryon and Jerry who had to pole the boats. We came back, I did some more work and then we went out to buy Jerry a drink for not tipping us into the drink.
Friday- Did way more work than I have been doing. Bought a jacket, went to the Turf Tavern for dinner (it dates to the 12th century) with Bryon, Jess, Rachel, and Kathy and had Fish and Chips. We continued on to the Kings Arms pub and The Crown and when the pubs closed we went to O'Neils and met up with Jerry and then we all closed O'Neils. We came back to St. Peters and sat outside. I took pictures of that too but they haven't made it online yet. Somewhere Rachel aquired two pub glasses and they ended up in Jess's bag. We went to bed at one thirty.
Saturday- The sun woke me up at 5:30. I told it to go to hell and it woke me up again at 7. Today I plan to finish up my papers and do some stuff around oxford, do laundry, write some postcards and then Bryon wants to go out again before he leaves for Leeds Sunday morning.
I am having a blast and wish all of you were here.
Tuesday, July 08, 2003
well I did go out tonight.
Did go out tonight because eight of us wanted to see the Eagle and Child where Tolken, C.S. Lewis and a bunch of other people wrote their stuff. I just had a glass of cider though, and we came back just now. It was fun to go out with all the girls and stuff and I didn't feel bad because I brought my reading with me and actually got a little work done. I am going to read for another hour or so and then I am off to bed. Library registration in the morning. :)
I have had all my classes
I have had all of my classes now. I have a lot of work to do. Lots of reading and writing and research. I am not going anywhere tonight because I want to finish all my reading now, work on the topic I am going to write on tomorrow at the library and write my paper either tomorrow or thursday so that my weekend is completely free. Then I can edit my papers on monday and hand them in on tuesday. This is my plan... plans can change but this is my plan. I have to re read Gawain and the Green Knight and re read Geoffrey of Monmouth tonight or tomorrow. I haven't gotten many new pictures because i really haven't had time to go anywhere. I did take a picture of the four drops of rain that we got today. That is really the only rain we've had. I wish that I had listened to Shannon and not Mom and brought all long pants and my other long sleeved shirts. It is really cold here- maybe 60 degrees or so and a little windy. Oh well, just more stuff I have to buy. I haven't spent that much yet, maybe 115 pounds or so. Most of that was one time stuff like the bus fare, the clock radio and books (although the books will not be just a one time thing). I have spent some on food and stuff though. I have been trying to keep in mind the exchange rate's sucky-ness by doubling every price I see. If it still is worth it, it is ok. Most of the coffee is really overpriced but I need it anyway. The coffee at Oxford SUCKS! It is burnt to a crisp. There is an american style cafe just down on the corner that has decent coffee but highish prices. Kinda like Greens Beans prices or any coffee house micro roasting place. The pubs are pretty expensive too. L4 for a mixed drink isn't uncommon. I have been drinking either Guiness, Stella or hard cider so they are anywhere from L2-L3. My keyboard is not set up for the pounds symbol but it is really annoying me. I can't type on the British keyboards because everything is moved around. You'd be surprised how many times you use the left hand shift, and the @ " and return keys. All of these and a few others are in a weird location on the British keyboard. Paper size is also different but that is easy to fix. I should get to reading now. I will post later.
Formal Dinner
Last night was the formal dinner. Everyone got dressed up and then went out into the grassy courtyard in the picture of my view. There we were served Champangne and the wine guys kept filling the glasses. We talked with all of the other summer school people and the intellectual property people and also the teachers and presidents and all of those people. After about half an hour we were told to go on to the chapel for the lecture. Climate change as it affects the poles or something like that. It was kind of interesting but my contacts were bothering me so I was kind of distracted throughout most of it. After the lecture, I had about ten minutes to go take out my contacts and go up to dinner. This was a formal dinner so we sat and were served by the very nice undergraduate oxford students who are working here over the summer. Cold vegetable soup, then smoked salmon on a bed of lettuce, then lamb with turnips, greenbeens, and carrots, and then lemon ammoretto cheesecake for dessert. White wine, red wine, and port also. While at dinner, we discussed going out to a pub afterwards and so we tried to get a group together but they didn't seem to realize that the pubs close at 11 and it was 10:15. Three of us finally just said to heck with them and went down to O'Neils on the corner for a Stella. We had fun and when they started to close up we took a walk around town and passed four or five Chip Trucks. These are vans that come out on the street and sell greasy food to people after 7 when all of the food places stop serving. Today I have classes pretty much all day. Tuesdays are nuts for everyone. I will probably get a chance to post some more pictures soon though. I wish you all were here and I will be buying the first round of postcards this week so if I don't already have your address please email it to me!
Monday, July 07, 2003
Oh My God! I want to move into this bookstore. Bookstore isn't even the right word! It is a four story library where you can buy the books! They also have a music store and an art and poster store. It is HUGE! I want one of everything! I bought this awesome History of the English Language book. I also saw Harry Potter in Welsh (really neat) and I didn't even have time to really look in there. One early morning next weekend will be spent there!
Ohh a pub!
Bryon showed up yesterday, along with the president of the college and his wife. We did the welcome bbq thing and then Bryon, Jess Rachel Perry and I all went out to the pubs. We were the only people in the first one and the second one was more of a club. I had a blast. It was kind of amusing because we had all had several glasses of wine at the BBQ already. We heard a lot of old stories and a few new ones out of Bryon and got to know Perry really well. She is my neighbor on left in the picture from the outside. I am the one on the top in the middle with the window open and Bryon is actually staying on the very top which you can't really see from my pic. I really want someone to take a picture of everyone but I am afraid to give my camera to some random person off the street. I had intro classes today and I really am excited about this experience. Now it is off to the formal dinner and lecture. Everything here is so interesting!
Written at 9:30 am gmt on july 6
Well, That was... special...
We did end up going out last night. Rachel knocked on my door at around 9 and we went to the bar on the corner to meet up with her friend from the night before. Two drinks later still no Matt(?). We discovered that O'Neils is the place where people go when they are no longer twentysomething but don't want to admitt it. These three guys were hitting on the two ladies who were sitting next to us. The math didn't work out so the third one (and youngest and most sober) started talking to Rachel. He thought she was from Spain. Jess and I found this rather amusing. When he found out that we were American he proceded to tell us all about his two years in Florida. One of the other brothers, Curt(?), (it turns out they were all brothers) started trying to do magic tricks with his ciggarette but was too drunk to really do it and so dropped it in Rachel's lap... twice. on the third try he did it but badly. The other two girls left and so the brothers were all talking to us. The intoxicated Magician asked me to guess his age. I was close but he wasn't happy (I was over by two years). Jess got to hear more about Florida and I really don't know what the other two were talking about. They eventually left around 11 and we were wondering what was taking Matt(?) so we went back to call him. He apparently misunderstood and was waiting for us outside the gate of Oxford up the street. We caught up with him and went to his friend's birthday party at the "Bubbly Bar." place is umm... Special. Actually it wasn't really that bad. It was small and loud but there were not too many people crammed in there. The Birthday Guy whose name I couldn't hear bought us all beer- Stella Artois, a pretty good Belgian lager- and we sat in the back by the dance floor. It is funny... both places were playing old American music, and so were many of the shops we went into during the day. We tried to talk a little but the music was just a bit too loud so we danced instead. Jess and I peeled the labels off the second beer and hung on to them. I think I am going to make an album of beer labels and stuff that we aquire on our nights out. (while waiting for Rachel to call, we were handed an ad for a two sided strip club) Around 1ish Jess and I decided that we'd had enough fun to last us a while and we left. Rachel stayed with Matt(?) for a while and eventually came back. Jess and I found our way back with no trouble and were in by one-thirty.
I got up at eight and it is now nine thirty... I think I will see if either of them are moving yet.
We did end up going out last night. Rachel knocked on my door at around 9 and we went to the bar on the corner to meet up with her friend from the night before. Two drinks later still no Matt(?). We discovered that O'Neils is the place where people go when they are no longer twentysomething but don't want to admitt it. These three guys were hitting on the two ladies who were sitting next to us. The math didn't work out so the third one (and youngest and most sober) started talking to Rachel. He thought she was from Spain. Jess and I found this rather amusing. When he found out that we were American he proceded to tell us all about his two years in Florida. One of the other brothers, Curt(?), (it turns out they were all brothers) started trying to do magic tricks with his ciggarette but was too drunk to really do it and so dropped it in Rachel's lap... twice. on the third try he did it but badly. The other two girls left and so the brothers were all talking to us. The intoxicated Magician asked me to guess his age. I was close but he wasn't happy (I was over by two years). Jess got to hear more about Florida and I really don't know what the other two were talking about. They eventually left around 11 and we were wondering what was taking Matt(?) so we went back to call him. He apparently misunderstood and was waiting for us outside the gate of Oxford up the street. We caught up with him and went to his friend's birthday party at the "Bubbly Bar." place is umm... Special. Actually it wasn't really that bad. It was small and loud but there were not too many people crammed in there. The Birthday Guy whose name I couldn't hear bought us all beer- Stella Artois, a pretty good Belgian lager- and we sat in the back by the dance floor. It is funny... both places were playing old American music, and so were many of the shops we went into during the day. We tried to talk a little but the music was just a bit too loud so we danced instead. Jess and I peeled the labels off the second beer and hung on to them. I think I am going to make an album of beer labels and stuff that we aquire on our nights out. (while waiting for Rachel to call, we were handed an ad for a two sided strip club) Around 1ish Jess and I decided that we'd had enough fun to last us a while and we left. Rachel stayed with Matt(?) for a while and eventually came back. Jess and I found our way back with no trouble and were in by one-thirty.
I got up at eight and it is now nine thirty... I think I will see if either of them are moving yet.
4:30pm on July 4th 2003
4:40pm GMT
I still can't get this to connect to the internet. Feh! I will have to wait until tomorrow to post this. Jess and I went for a little walk around Oxford. There are shops everywhere and it is really easy to find your way around. Also it is totally designed for pedestrians... no one even tried to run us down. We wandered around for a few hours then decided to actually look for something and couldn't find it. Jess wanted some kind of cheap radio and I wanted an alarm clock radio thing but the only ones we saw were like 20 pounds and we were thinking more along the lines of five. The money here is kind of hard to get used to. It is just weird having pink bills. I was accosted by a pair of cows and we saw this cool Guiness time sign. There was also this really interesting band on a pedestrian only street. They weren't too bad; I haven't taken a picture of them yet but the day is still young! I have not changed the time on my computer yet and I don't think that I want to. It is just weird that it is 11:46am at home. I am still not sure what the meal schedule is here yet but I think that we will find out about it tomorrow when everyone else arrives. I did at least mangage to call home... I was dialing too many ones. I think I might buy a calling card but I might just keep using my credit card. It is a pound a minute which is a lot. The internet cafe thing is like a pound for half an hour so I think internet it is for today. This sucks that I can't post yet! Tomorrow it will be straightened out, I hope. Nap time again because we must have walked about 3 miles just looking for a phone card.
We will probably stop at an internet cafe tonight so this will end up being posted out of order but that is ok. :)
I still can't get this to connect to the internet. Feh! I will have to wait until tomorrow to post this. Jess and I went for a little walk around Oxford. There are shops everywhere and it is really easy to find your way around. Also it is totally designed for pedestrians... no one even tried to run us down. We wandered around for a few hours then decided to actually look for something and couldn't find it. Jess wanted some kind of cheap radio and I wanted an alarm clock radio thing but the only ones we saw were like 20 pounds and we were thinking more along the lines of five. The money here is kind of hard to get used to. It is just weird having pink bills. I was accosted by a pair of cows and we saw this cool Guiness time sign. There was also this really interesting band on a pedestrian only street. They weren't too bad; I haven't taken a picture of them yet but the day is still young! I have not changed the time on my computer yet and I don't think that I want to. It is just weird that it is 11:46am at home. I am still not sure what the meal schedule is here yet but I think that we will find out about it tomorrow when everyone else arrives. I did at least mangage to call home... I was dialing too many ones. I think I might buy a calling card but I might just keep using my credit card. It is a pound a minute which is a lot. The internet cafe thing is like a pound for half an hour so I think internet it is for today. This sucks that I can't post yet! Tomorrow it will be straightened out, I hope. Nap time again because we must have walked about 3 miles just looking for a phone card.
We will probably stop at an internet cafe tonight so this will end up being posted out of order but that is ok. :)
I am up and running online! I will put up the other posts that I wrote but coulnt publish so if the dates don't make sense that is why.
one thirty pm Oxford time on July 4th 2003
I'm Here! one thirty pm GMT on July 4th
I made it to Oxford in one piece! Unfortunately for some reason Theseus will not acnowledge the internet connection here so I am writing this in word pad. Let me begin at the beginning.
We drove to Newark. Fine. We tried to find a restaurant to get some lunch. After pulling into several hotels we did find one and it did have pretty good food. We had to circle the block a few times to get back onto the right road to get to the airport. Even though we ate lunch, we were still really early so I checked in my bag (no line!) and we went to look in the shops. I found a bookstore so we killed a good lot of time there. We decided to go downstairs and sit and wait for Jess who was on time. While we were waiting we played "name that person" For those of you who have never played this game, all you have to do is point out an interesting looking person and guess what their name should be. You never really know if you are right or not but it is a lot of fun to do while peoplewatching. Jess got in and waited in a MUCH longer line to check in her bag and then it was time to say goodbye. Just before we all parted ways my father noticed a post card that had a map of NJ, but in stead of Fort Dix it said Fort Fix. They of course had to buy one.
Jess and I went through the metal detectors. Everyone took of their shoes and I set the thing off with my silver bracelet. Not a big deal, as soon as the lady came over she knew what set it off. Another two hours of sitting at the gate and we boarded. I had a window seat in the back of the plane next to some Brittish Guy in his late twenties. Poor Jess had an asle seat next to some Brittish High School kid who smelled really bad. The flight was not too bad. I took pictures taking off and landing. The inflight movie was Chicago which was excellent even on an eight inch screen and edited for content. The food was surprisingly edible. I took about a two hour nap and then woke up again. Poor Jess didn't sleep at all. My right ear is still poped from the descent though because I wasn't paying attention and stopped chewing my gum.
Once we got on the ground, stuff got a bit confusing. First we spent what seemed like an hour in line at customs. No problems there except for the line which did move steadily there were just a lot of people. We found our luggage and lugged it on over to the money machine. It did not charge us to take money out which was cool. All we had to deal with is the surcharge from our banks. Next adventure, to find the bus terminal. We got there but I still don't know how much sense it made. We went down a ramp that was about a floor and then we got into an elevator and went up a floor. Once we got there we found the spot for the Oxford bus and waited ten minutes for it to arrive. The bus - sorry - Coach driver was very nice and helped us put on our luggage. We both did nap a bit more on the bus. We got to Oxford and walked a block and a half to St Peters after a bit of confusion over the street we were on. Once we got there we discovered that there are too many summer programs here. After a bit of running around and with the help of several wonderfully helpful people, we got ourselves straightend out and got our room keys and the building pointed out to us. Our rooms are really nice. Small but nice. We hauled our luggage up (I am in 33 and Jess is in 22) and decided to take naps and do some unpacking until 2pm GMT. I unpacked, discovered that theseus doesnt want to play, and decided that a shower would be better than a nap. It wasn't too bad. There was good water pressure and there was hot water. Only one shower on the floor though. Everything is very clean if a bit old. I tried to make a phone call from the card phone but it didn't want to go. I will try again when I meet up with Jess.
Now I think I will have a bit of a nap because it is 1:30 here already and 8:30 at home.
one thirty pm Oxford time on July 4th 2003
I'm Here! one thirty pm GMT on July 4th
I made it to Oxford in one piece! Unfortunately for some reason Theseus will not acnowledge the internet connection here so I am writing this in word pad. Let me begin at the beginning.
We drove to Newark. Fine. We tried to find a restaurant to get some lunch. After pulling into several hotels we did find one and it did have pretty good food. We had to circle the block a few times to get back onto the right road to get to the airport. Even though we ate lunch, we were still really early so I checked in my bag (no line!) and we went to look in the shops. I found a bookstore so we killed a good lot of time there. We decided to go downstairs and sit and wait for Jess who was on time. While we were waiting we played "name that person" For those of you who have never played this game, all you have to do is point out an interesting looking person and guess what their name should be. You never really know if you are right or not but it is a lot of fun to do while peoplewatching. Jess got in and waited in a MUCH longer line to check in her bag and then it was time to say goodbye. Just before we all parted ways my father noticed a post card that had a map of NJ, but in stead of Fort Dix it said Fort Fix. They of course had to buy one.
Jess and I went through the metal detectors. Everyone took of their shoes and I set the thing off with my silver bracelet. Not a big deal, as soon as the lady came over she knew what set it off. Another two hours of sitting at the gate and we boarded. I had a window seat in the back of the plane next to some Brittish Guy in his late twenties. Poor Jess had an asle seat next to some Brittish High School kid who smelled really bad. The flight was not too bad. I took pictures taking off and landing. The inflight movie was Chicago which was excellent even on an eight inch screen and edited for content. The food was surprisingly edible. I took about a two hour nap and then woke up again. Poor Jess didn't sleep at all. My right ear is still poped from the descent though because I wasn't paying attention and stopped chewing my gum.
Once we got on the ground, stuff got a bit confusing. First we spent what seemed like an hour in line at customs. No problems there except for the line which did move steadily there were just a lot of people. We found our luggage and lugged it on over to the money machine. It did not charge us to take money out which was cool. All we had to deal with is the surcharge from our banks. Next adventure, to find the bus terminal. We got there but I still don't know how much sense it made. We went down a ramp that was about a floor and then we got into an elevator and went up a floor. Once we got there we found the spot for the Oxford bus and waited ten minutes for it to arrive. The bus - sorry - Coach driver was very nice and helped us put on our luggage. We both did nap a bit more on the bus. We got to Oxford and walked a block and a half to St Peters after a bit of confusion over the street we were on. Once we got there we discovered that there are too many summer programs here. After a bit of running around and with the help of several wonderfully helpful people, we got ourselves straightend out and got our room keys and the building pointed out to us. Our rooms are really nice. Small but nice. We hauled our luggage up (I am in 33 and Jess is in 22) and decided to take naps and do some unpacking until 2pm GMT. I unpacked, discovered that theseus doesnt want to play, and decided that a shower would be better than a nap. It wasn't too bad. There was good water pressure and there was hot water. Only one shower on the floor though. Everything is very clean if a bit old. I tried to make a phone call from the card phone but it didn't want to go. I will try again when I meet up with Jess.
Now I think I will have a bit of a nap because it is 1:30 here already and 8:30 at home.
Saturday, July 05, 2003
still working on getting hooked up!
Well I just sent in my request to get hooked into the network from my room, so hopefully it will happen tomorrow. I am posting from the lab here at St. Peter's and it smells funny so I don't want to stay here very long. I didn't do much today. I spent most of the morning relaxing and reading in my cute dorm room. Then I took a short walk around the block, came back and talked to Jess and got my packet thing (which is missing page four by the way). We woke Rachel up at noon and went to lunch (mmm... pasty...) then wandered a bit and came back for the informational movie thing. I just came back from dinner with Heather, Rachel, and Jess, at the Chicago Rock Cafe, and decided to attempt a login thing.
Last night was weird. We got back from the internet cafe and went back to our rooms. Around 2300 we saw some fourth of July fireworks over the buildings and went out to watch. While we were outside, Rachel showed up and wanted to go out but we were pretty tired and didn't feel like clubbing so she went with this local guy that she knew somehow or another. I went back to bed; too much walking that day. We might go out tonight but Rachel is pretty doped up on some decongestant allergey stuff so maybe not.
I want to post my darn pictures! and now it seems that my comments are down! Fehhhhh!!!!
later then
Last night was weird. We got back from the internet cafe and went back to our rooms. Around 2300 we saw some fourth of July fireworks over the buildings and went out to watch. While we were outside, Rachel showed up and wanted to go out but we were pretty tired and didn't feel like clubbing so she went with this local guy that she knew somehow or another. I went back to bed; too much walking that day. We might go out tonight but Rachel is pretty doped up on some decongestant allergey stuff so maybe not.
I want to post my darn pictures! and now it seems that my comments are down! Fehhhhh!!!!
later then
Friday, July 04, 2003
Well I'm here!
Hi, this is Jessy in the UK. I am posting from an internet cafe right now because I can't get Theseus to recognize the internet connection at Oxford. I have written other posts and will publish them and my new nifty pics when I can get Thee up and running. Jess and I just had dinner at this great place. It was really good. I am surprised how early everything closes here! The shops that we were in earlier are all closed now. It is 7:50pm here and everything was closed by six. Weird. I am really annoyed that I can't get online with Thee!
Quick Summary
Plane ride was relatively uneventful but Chicago was great even on a tiny screen.
airport was a pain in the ass but we survived.
Slept on the bus a bit and was hit in the head with Otherness because I didn't recognize any of the plants along the road. The trees are all weird.
Got to St. Peters and there was confusion all around. It all got straightened out eventually but there was much running back and forth.
My room is too cute for words. Pics later.
Theseus doesn't want to play with the LAN connection in the room.
We took a nap, then went walking and browsing, met a couple of cows (pic later), and then took another nap and did some reading and messing with Thee.
Had dinner. Got confused about the check and tipping. Went to the kewl pound for half hour internet cafe.
That is about it. Details and pics as soon as I get Thee on the internet. Miss you guys already and wish you all were here.
Quick Summary
Plane ride was relatively uneventful but Chicago was great even on a tiny screen.
airport was a pain in the ass but we survived.
Slept on the bus a bit and was hit in the head with Otherness because I didn't recognize any of the plants along the road. The trees are all weird.
Got to St. Peters and there was confusion all around. It all got straightened out eventually but there was much running back and forth.
My room is too cute for words. Pics later.
Theseus doesn't want to play with the LAN connection in the room.
We took a nap, then went walking and browsing, met a couple of cows (pic later), and then took another nap and did some reading and messing with Thee.
Had dinner. Got confused about the check and tipping. Went to the kewl pound for half hour internet cafe.
That is about it. Details and pics as soon as I get Thee on the internet. Miss you guys already and wish you all were here.
Thursday, July 03, 2003
Only a few hours left before I leave for England. I wanted to thank everyone who has wished me good luck and has dealt with my spaztasticalness over the last week or so. Thank you all. This entire post was said more eloquently and more organized before eclipse said that it didn't like me so I apologize for the confused order.
I still need to pack Theseus and go through my room and do a final check on everything that is left in here to make sure that I have all of the vital crap that I need. I made two new cd's last night so that I would have something to listen to on the plane and I also have to print out some WWdN stickers for posting in unusual places. I have packed my suitcase (all sixtyone lbs of it), my carry-on, and I have rebraided my long braid (which is over a yard long now) I also can't remember what else I wrote in the previous post. I hate this part of traveling, all this waiting. Once I am on my way, I love it but the waiting for the time to leave is just as bad as packing. I have been told to post a picture of something that I did every day which is fine but i just hope that my rinkydink website can handle it. I have a huge headache. I am also hungry and I already miss my doggie. I told my father that if she gains one pound over the six weeks that I am gone it will be taken out of his hide. I still need to grab a random reading book for the plane and relaxation elsewhere. I do want to buy a few books there too. (like the latin version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) he he. I will try to remember the other crap and post again before I pack up the puter.
I still need to pack Theseus and go through my room and do a final check on everything that is left in here to make sure that I have all of the vital crap that I need. I made two new cd's last night so that I would have something to listen to on the plane and I also have to print out some WWdN stickers for posting in unusual places. I have packed my suitcase (all sixtyone lbs of it), my carry-on, and I have rebraided my long braid (which is over a yard long now) I also can't remember what else I wrote in the previous post. I hate this part of traveling, all this waiting. Once I am on my way, I love it but the waiting for the time to leave is just as bad as packing. I have been told to post a picture of something that I did every day which is fine but i just hope that my rinkydink website can handle it. I have a huge headache. I am also hungry and I already miss my doggie. I told my father that if she gains one pound over the six weeks that I am gone it will be taken out of his hide. I still need to grab a random reading book for the plane and relaxation elsewhere. I do want to buy a few books there too. (like the latin version of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone) he he. I will try to remember the other crap and post again before I pack up the puter.
Monday, June 30, 2003
I am proud of myself
I have actually gotten around to packing stuff. I am cleaning up in my room too. Of course most of the mess in my room was due to the lack of packing. It still needs some serious work though. Feh. I have gotten one of those online photo albums just incase my other website decides to be a pain in the ass. I want to put up the best pictures that I take on this insane venture of mine on this site but otherwise I will have to use the photo album compliments of Just type in sillyjessy and go to the england album. Feh. The photo album thing is a pain in the ass, I hope the other site doesn't go phht too often.
If you told me that you want me to send you a post card, send me an email with your address because i have probably lost it.
If you told me that you want me to send you a post card, send me an email with your address because i have probably lost it.
hee hee
Seen on a bumper sticker....
"English doesn't borrow words from other languages. It follows other languages into dark alleys, knocks them down and them goes through their pockets for loose grammer."
"English doesn't borrow words from other languages. It follows other languages into dark alleys, knocks them down and them goes through their pockets for loose grammer."
Totally Random Guy is back! I finally checked my email and there it was. totally random email. It was very spiffy! Too tired, must sleep, will post tomorrow with all of the oxford related nonsense, promise. <-- Run on sentence.
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Packing, yesterday, and Breakfast
There are never enough hours in the day. I have to pack at some point but I just can't bring myself to limit that which I will be able to use for six weeks. It is suddenly such a long time. I also don't want to pack too much because I don't want to have to haul it. I so hate packing. I also keep coming up with things that I think I need that I don't have and so I think I have gone shopping more in the last month than I have in the past three years.
Oh! because blogger was doing weird things yesterday I did not get to post the crazy jean quote of the day
Here it is.
Mom: What is that on the wall, a fly?
Me: Yeah, a horsefly.
Mom: Horsefly? That's a frickin' Clydesdale!
That was pretty much my day Yesterday.
This morning I realized that the way that i make my cereal is a prelude to the day that I will have. For example, I go up to the office for breakfast. I get out a bowl and some cereal. I look for the milk. It is sour. If I realize that it is sour before I pour it my day will only suck a little bit. If I pour the sour milk into the bowl before I pour the cereal in, the day will suck. If I pour sour milk over good cereal, my day will really suck. If, when I realize that the milk is sour, there is a non-sour container of milk, the day will be ok. But if I pour the non-sour milk into the bowl befor the cereal, the day will be really busy. If there is no other milk, I will have a crappy but passable day. In the rare event that I eat cereal and the milk is not sour, I will have a really great day. Today will be really busy.
Oh! because blogger was doing weird things yesterday I did not get to post the crazy jean quote of the day
Here it is.
Mom: What is that on the wall, a fly?
Me: Yeah, a horsefly.
Mom: Horsefly? That's a frickin' Clydesdale!
That was pretty much my day Yesterday.
This morning I realized that the way that i make my cereal is a prelude to the day that I will have. For example, I go up to the office for breakfast. I get out a bowl and some cereal. I look for the milk. It is sour. If I realize that it is sour before I pour it my day will only suck a little bit. If I pour the sour milk into the bowl before I pour the cereal in, the day will suck. If I pour sour milk over good cereal, my day will really suck. If, when I realize that the milk is sour, there is a non-sour container of milk, the day will be ok. But if I pour the non-sour milk into the bowl befor the cereal, the day will be really busy. If there is no other milk, I will have a crappy but passable day. In the rare event that I eat cereal and the milk is not sour, I will have a really great day. Today will be really busy.
Monday, June 23, 2003
I have been kinda busy the last few days with beaver day and Harry Potter day both on Saturday. I did not sleep at all on saturday night, I just read straight through and then finished up on sunday. It was just as wonderful as the others but I hate reading stuff like this because I know as I am reading that as soon as I get to page 870 I will be done and have to wait a Very long time until I get any more info. The problem with this is that in the interrum, I am making up various scenarios and directions for plot and so by the time I do get to read the next one I will have all of these silly theories that I want to test. I will not write them here just yet because I don't want to spoil the book for anyone who hasn't stayed up and read it all night. I will just say that I am angry that _____ is dead and that I understand how important it was for the plot but I am still angry. I also want to say that if I have to wait as long for the next one as I had to wait for this one I am going to have to get a posse together and go to scotland and help her write the damn book or at least bully her into telling me where she wants to go with it.
There. I feel better now.
In other news. Still no names for the babies--- oh wait. That isn't really news. Beaver day was fun. The wedding had about four inches of mud and my mom's car is still covered from roof to tires.
Last night we went to visit my father's cousins. It is hard to remember that the two really old ladies are his first cousins when their children (my second cousins) are his age. Their children are about my age (my first cousins once removed) but I am afraid that I wouldn't know them if I fell over them. They are going to ESU and I vaugely recall what they look like (kinda like my uncle Phil). It was pretty easy to tell that my dad's 1st cousin once removed was related becaus he looks just like uncle Phil too. Must be a Winters thing. It was a lot of fun because the younger of Dad's two cousins, Carol, and her husband are both into geneology and so are we so we had a lot of silly stories to swap. We also brought some Photos for Carol and Joyce to look at and see if they can label. Unfortunately they didn't know too many-- most of them it seems are from Gramma's side. We will have to ask Ruby (my gramma's friend who is at least ten years older than God) or Harry and Albena, my dad's Uncle and Aunt.
Still other news that isn't really-- I need to pack. Badly. And I don't want to. At All. Feh on packing.
There. I feel better now.
In other news. Still no names for the babies--- oh wait. That isn't really news. Beaver day was fun. The wedding had about four inches of mud and my mom's car is still covered from roof to tires.
Last night we went to visit my father's cousins. It is hard to remember that the two really old ladies are his first cousins when their children (my second cousins) are his age. Their children are about my age (my first cousins once removed) but I am afraid that I wouldn't know them if I fell over them. They are going to ESU and I vaugely recall what they look like (kinda like my uncle Phil). It was pretty easy to tell that my dad's 1st cousin once removed was related becaus he looks just like uncle Phil too. Must be a Winters thing. It was a lot of fun because the younger of Dad's two cousins, Carol, and her husband are both into geneology and so are we so we had a lot of silly stories to swap. We also brought some Photos for Carol and Joyce to look at and see if they can label. Unfortunately they didn't know too many-- most of them it seems are from Gramma's side. We will have to ask Ruby (my gramma's friend who is at least ten years older than God) or Harry and Albena, my dad's Uncle and Aunt.
Still other news that isn't really-- I need to pack. Badly. And I don't want to. At All. Feh on packing.
Saturday, June 21, 2003 - New Jersey town admits defeat, adopts beavers as mascot - Jun. 20, 2003
our mayor and the town Mascot the Beaver!
Gotta love living in the sticks!
our mayor and the town Mascot the Beaver!
Gotta love living in the sticks!
Friday, June 20, 2003
Thursday, June 19, 2003
Crazy couple of days
Went shoppin with Mom today. Bought stuff, had really good lunch, farked a little, and worked on real stuff too. Feel better shannon! need to call alex and save her from her date.
Went shoppin with Mom today. Bought stuff, had really good lunch, farked a little, and worked on real stuff too. Feel better shannon! need to call alex and save her from her date.
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
Rob's Amazing Poem Generator
this is great! Just type in a url and get a randomly generated poem based on the content of the page.
Mindnumbingly Silly an OUTDOOR tourist industry and
lives in a lot more of
Saints Mormons 41% 22. and
play a
student from
who do you think
just works too ashamed because she is
not enough, and discovered
that makes you everyone who trying not
ask me
out.there now Just goes on
this pain we
are you? had offered me
to bits by lies.
The people show, or
been broken, smashed
to live, should It is an act
It you seeThat no one
Because she asked for a little
while... I was I woke up
to save.
and it is different every time!
this is great! Just type in a url and get a randomly generated poem based on the content of the page.
Mindnumbingly Silly an OUTDOOR tourist industry and
lives in a lot more of
Saints Mormons 41% 22. and
play a
student from
who do you think
just works too ashamed because she is
not enough, and discovered
that makes you everyone who trying not
ask me
out.there now Just goes on
this pain we
are you? had offered me
to bits by lies.
The people show, or
been broken, smashed
to live, should It is an act
It you seeThat no one
Because she asked for a little
while... I was I woke up
to save.
and it is different every time!
Yesterday I went shopping with my brother's girlfriend, Mary Kate. I spent too much money and discovered that we have much the same taste in stuff. Weird. Also I want to know why the world does not make work boots in a boys size six. It isn't fair! You can find workboots in little boys sizes and mens sizes but not in a size six. It isn't fair. The women's workboots are all ugly, expensive, and not waterproof. Feh! I did find one pair of workboots at walmart for cheap but not steel toe. At least they are waterproof. Feh!
Yesterday I went shopping with my brother's girlfriend, Mary Kate. I spent too much money and discovered that we have much the same taste in stuff. Weird. Also I want to know why the world does not make work boots in a boys size six. It isn't fair! You can find workboots in little boys sizes and mens sizes but not in a size six. It isn't fair. The women's workboots are all ugly, expensive, and not waterproof. Feh! I did find one pair of workboots at walmart for cheap but not steel toe. At least they are waterproof. Feh!
Tuesday, June 17, 2003
Belief o matic
I stole this from Mizzy. I am not sure if I should be surprised or not.
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.
Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (95%)
3. Neo-Pagan (90%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%)
5. Mahayana Buddhism (88%)
6. Reform Judaism (88%)
7. New Age (79%)
8. Theravada Buddhism (74%)
9. Orthodox Quaker (69%)
10. Bahá'à Faith (68%)
11. Secular Humanism (67%)
12. Orthodox Judaism (61%)
13. New Thought (58%)
14. Jainism (58%)
15. Sikhism (58%)
16. Islam (54%)
17. Hinduism (53%)
18. Scientology (53%)
19. Taoism (52%)
20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (41%)
22. Nontheist (40%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (40%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (35%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (34%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (27%)
27. Roman Catholic (27%)
how do you rate?
I stole this from Mizzy. I am not sure if I should be surprised or not.
The top score on the list below represents the faith that Belief-O-Matic, in its less than infinite wisdom, thinks most closely matches your beliefs. However, even a score of 100% does not mean that your views are all shared by this faith, or vice versa.
Belief-O-Matic then lists another 26 faiths in order of how much they have in common with your professed beliefs. The higher a faith appears on this list, the more closely it aligns with your thinking.
1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Liberal Quakers (95%)
3. Neo-Pagan (90%)
4. Mainline to Liberal Christian Protestants (88%)
5. Mahayana Buddhism (88%)
6. Reform Judaism (88%)
7. New Age (79%)
8. Theravada Buddhism (74%)
9. Orthodox Quaker (69%)
10. Bahá'à Faith (68%)
11. Secular Humanism (67%)
12. Orthodox Judaism (61%)
13. New Thought (58%)
14. Jainism (58%)
15. Sikhism (58%)
16. Islam (54%)
17. Hinduism (53%)
18. Scientology (53%)
19. Taoism (52%)
20. Christian Science (Church of Christ, Scientist) (43%)
21. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) (41%)
22. Nontheist (40%)
23. Mainline to Conservative Christian/Protestant (40%)
24. Seventh Day Adventist (35%)
25. Jehovah's Witness (34%)
26. Eastern Orthodox (27%)
27. Roman Catholic (27%)
how do you rate?
I have told Shannon that she needs to name the newest fawn since it shares her birthday. At the diner tonight, thought about calling the other two Castor and Pollux (sp?) after the Gemini twins since they are twins and also Gemini (along with all of the other deer except Zip who is a pisces(sp) on the cusp.
In other news, I keep forgetting to post a link to Fark. There, now I have done it. I feel better now.
In other news, I keep forgetting to post a link to Fark. There, now I have done it. I feel better now.
Monday, June 16, 2003
Alright so here is what I've been doing lately. Saturday night I was gaming with Shannon and her brother, Brian. Much fun was had by all and Jessy was surprised at how much fun it was to mess with people's heads. I met lots of interesting people who do interesting things and play a somewhat irritating game with their fingers. I have gotten a bit better at it. That sounds really wrong... guess you had to be there. feh. Oh and I also learned that masking tape and a pen can amuse someone all night. I got home at about quarter to seven on sunday morning and sat down for a few minutes. I woke up several hours later with a very stiff neck from sleeping sitting up. My parents didn't even realize I was home yet... shows you how observant THEY are. I had a blast at the game. Sunday was not as much fun but the campers went home and I went to dinner and then to sleep. The dog is now sniffleing the dress I wore to the game... I think she is pissed at me.
ooohhh almost forgot! There are now three fawn in the pen. Daisy picked one of the first really nice days to have her fawn. She is much thinner now and she has a shaky-legged but rather large newborn toddling after her now. One of my girls jumped the fence on Saturday when I was gone. She followed Dad back into the pen though, so all is well. I think it was Sophie because she seemed very appologetic today when I was counting deer. So now we really need names. The twins are very different looking. One is very adventurous and dark and the other is really pale and sortof shy. Spawn of Daisy is kindof a normal fawn color and too young to tell what sort of personality (s)he has. I think that the twins are probably male because the don't have the dark spots on their heads that doe fawn usually have. Feh. I am so completely at a loss as to what to call them. Feh.
Help me out here!
ooohhh almost forgot! There are now three fawn in the pen. Daisy picked one of the first really nice days to have her fawn. She is much thinner now and she has a shaky-legged but rather large newborn toddling after her now. One of my girls jumped the fence on Saturday when I was gone. She followed Dad back into the pen though, so all is well. I think it was Sophie because she seemed very appologetic today when I was counting deer. So now we really need names. The twins are very different looking. One is very adventurous and dark and the other is really pale and sortof shy. Spawn of Daisy is kindof a normal fawn color and too young to tell what sort of personality (s)he has. I think that the twins are probably male because the don't have the dark spots on their heads that doe fawn usually have. Feh. I am so completely at a loss as to what to call them. Feh.
Help me out here!
Saturday, June 14, 2003
Friday, June 13, 2003
I am not sure i took this quiz right. Try it out though, it is fun!

How much of a pottymouth are you?
How much of a pottymouth are you?
I love you Alex!
Last night I fell asleep in my spifftaculous new papasan chair compliments of Alex. I love it and I love sleeping in it and I just hope that there is room in my room in the New Dorm to put it!
Why is it RAINING
I (and everyone else in the NJ, PA, NY area) am sick and tired of this rain. It has rained or been yucky every weekend since NOVEMBER! You think I am joking. I assure you I am not. I work in the tourist industry and not just the tourist industry but an OUTDOOR tourist destination. We are still renting campsites but the people don't show, or if they do they go to the mall or the movies or someplace indoors and don't spend any money here! Because of our no-refund-for-rain-you-idiot-give-us-your-money policy our site sales are comparable to last year. Everything else sucks. The Lakota Wolf preserve is seriously hurting and would be hurting more if it wasn't for the hundreds of school kids that come to the Preserve every week. Even 100 school kids with fives and tens three times a week haven't really helped the Gift Shop sales.
Bah on the Rain! Bah Bah Bah! Go rain somewhere else. At least for a little while... I don't want a repeat of the last few summers where we would have killed for a few steady days of rain. Faaaaa! I hate weather!
Last night I fell asleep in my spifftaculous new papasan chair compliments of Alex. I love it and I love sleeping in it and I just hope that there is room in my room in the New Dorm to put it!
Why is it RAINING
I (and everyone else in the NJ, PA, NY area) am sick and tired of this rain. It has rained or been yucky every weekend since NOVEMBER! You think I am joking. I assure you I am not. I work in the tourist industry and not just the tourist industry but an OUTDOOR tourist destination. We are still renting campsites but the people don't show, or if they do they go to the mall or the movies or someplace indoors and don't spend any money here! Because of our no-refund-for-rain-you-idiot-give-us-your-money policy our site sales are comparable to last year. Everything else sucks. The Lakota Wolf preserve is seriously hurting and would be hurting more if it wasn't for the hundreds of school kids that come to the Preserve every week. Even 100 school kids with fives and tens three times a week haven't really helped the Gift Shop sales.
Bah on the Rain! Bah Bah Bah! Go rain somewhere else. At least for a little while... I don't want a repeat of the last few summers where we would have killed for a few steady days of rain. Faaaaa! I hate weather!
Thursday, June 12, 2003
Of all bad days...
Yesterday was a bad day. I am better today. Life is no longer overwhelming, but for those of you who tried to talk to me yesterday, this is what I was feeling. I wrote this out after a friend that I didn't know I had offered me some help. Thank you, everyone who tried to make it better even when you didn't know what it was.
I was too ashamed because I didn't know WHY.
And They wouldn't understand-- how could They know why?
So I hid the Secrets in a box lined with leaden secret tears
and dug a deep dark hole to hide my Trouble in.
and when the hole was deep enough and dark enough to swallow up a star,
I dropped the secret box inside and tried to hear it fall away.
But I leaned in Just a little too close and slid in down the wall.
I'd dug my hole too well, it seems, and now I'm stuck inside
the walls are far too steep and slick for me to climb my way outside.
Alone in the dark with secrets and most of me still outside.
She won't come back to help me. She doesn't know We're here
because I kept my dearest secret just a little bit too dear.
She doesn't know I dug the hole. She's never seen the box. She just goes on living without knowing part of us is lost.
I sit alone in darkness, lonely and afraid. So lonely that I peek inside the lead lined box I've made.
But when I open up the lid I learn, much to my dismay, that my dark secret has grown wings and quickly flown away.
What shoud I do? Where should I go? I'm stuck here in this hole.
And she out there is unsuspecting -- trying not to know.
I try to call it back and tempt it with new friends, but that dark secret turned and laughed
and flapped it's way along. It went right up to Them and sang its little song.
And They went up to Her and blamed her for it all.
But no one sees me sitting here inside my dark deep hole.
No one sees me wishing for the chances that time stole.
No one saw me hiding here and crying out my heart.
No one sees me now and it is all my fault.
No one saw me til today when she put out a line, and not knowing we were different, He thought that it was mine.
At first I tried to snub it -- I deserved to get my due, but then he mentioned others like YOU and YOU and YOU
Who were in this hole here with me because I had put You all there. He told me he could pull me out if I'd give him my hand
But I don't know why he should after what I've done to Him.
I don't know why you all stay here inside my deep dark hole. I don't know why you'd throw your line when the hole I'm in is mine.
It's me who lied to everyone, It's me who isn't good. It's me who can't control Herself and me who won't do as I should.
It is my fault -- don't you understand? It's my own fault I'm in this hole and I have to get me out.
It is my fault that you don't know who I really am and my fault that i can't tell you.
It is my fault that I don't know why I suddenly can't do it. It's me who doesn't want to and It's me who just can't do it and It is me who hurts and screams when You all say I can.
Why do you believe in me? How is it you can't see
That no matter what I do or say that makes you think I'm real--It's just an act!
It is just an act to make you think that I can think and feel
It is all just pantomime, just going through the motions to make you all believe that I would never let you down.
How you see me's what's important, not who I really am.
You're all the important ones that must stay safe from who I am.
That's why I build Illusions. That's why the masquerade. that's why i don't say a thing,
Without thinking what you'd say.
So thank you for your caring, but I'm not who you're trying to save.
All you know is the illusion and there nothing left of that to save.
The projector has been broken, smashed to bits by tiny wings.
The screen was made of secrets that have been burned away by lies. The illusion is all gone now.
Just me inside this hole, and Her, sitting in a corner- pretending it's not real,
half believing it will go away, that this isn't pain we feel.
It's my fault that she is like this. My fault she doesn't know what's real and what's illusion;
What we do and do not feel. It's my fault the Good one ran away; my fault we're in this mess.
I toldher she should try to live, should give herself a rest.
I said that she just works too hard. I told her to relax. I didn't expect her to just leave
Leave us to do the work that she had always done. I was just waiting for her to come back home
when she had had her fun. But she never did and that is why I didn't do it all.
It isn't that I couldn't, I just didn't and that's all. I didn't know she did so much; I didn't know we could.
I didn't have the heart to ask her to help me too. So I left her to her pretty games and lovely, silly books,
But she asked for a lot more time and a lot more time she took.
I didn't have the heart to tell her even that She'd left, and so she didn't realize it till all my secrets left.
Then she broke down and talked to Him and now I'm all that's left. Just me the quiet sneaky one,
Because the Smart one left, and the Pretty one just rocks and rocks and pretends we've never wept.
It's only me who's left in here and I'm not the one who cares!
I'm not the one who laid the paths. I don't know how to care! I don't know how to do her job! I don't know how to laugh!
I don't know how to live our life all by myself like this.
So if she and she can't help me and I can't do it alone, I suppose I'll have to do what He told me on the phone.
I'll have to ask you all for help and I have to do it soon, Before She comes back home and sees what I have done.
Before she wakes from her pretty dreams and sees what I have done. I will do it right this time, for Them and for my Self.
Yesterday was a bad day. I am better today. Life is no longer overwhelming, but for those of you who tried to talk to me yesterday, this is what I was feeling. I wrote this out after a friend that I didn't know I had offered me some help. Thank you, everyone who tried to make it better even when you didn't know what it was.
I was too ashamed because I didn't know WHY.
And They wouldn't understand-- how could They know why?
So I hid the Secrets in a box lined with leaden secret tears
and dug a deep dark hole to hide my Trouble in.
and when the hole was deep enough and dark enough to swallow up a star,
I dropped the secret box inside and tried to hear it fall away.
But I leaned in Just a little too close and slid in down the wall.
I'd dug my hole too well, it seems, and now I'm stuck inside
the walls are far too steep and slick for me to climb my way outside.
Alone in the dark with secrets and most of me still outside.
She won't come back to help me. She doesn't know We're here
because I kept my dearest secret just a little bit too dear.
She doesn't know I dug the hole. She's never seen the box. She just goes on living without knowing part of us is lost.
I sit alone in darkness, lonely and afraid. So lonely that I peek inside the lead lined box I've made.
But when I open up the lid I learn, much to my dismay, that my dark secret has grown wings and quickly flown away.
What shoud I do? Where should I go? I'm stuck here in this hole.
And she out there is unsuspecting -- trying not to know.
I try to call it back and tempt it with new friends, but that dark secret turned and laughed
and flapped it's way along. It went right up to Them and sang its little song.
And They went up to Her and blamed her for it all.
But no one sees me sitting here inside my dark deep hole.
No one sees me wishing for the chances that time stole.
No one saw me hiding here and crying out my heart.
No one sees me now and it is all my fault.
No one saw me til today when she put out a line, and not knowing we were different, He thought that it was mine.
At first I tried to snub it -- I deserved to get my due, but then he mentioned others like YOU and YOU and YOU
Who were in this hole here with me because I had put You all there. He told me he could pull me out if I'd give him my hand
But I don't know why he should after what I've done to Him.
I don't know why you all stay here inside my deep dark hole. I don't know why you'd throw your line when the hole I'm in is mine.
It's me who lied to everyone, It's me who isn't good. It's me who can't control Herself and me who won't do as I should.
It is my fault -- don't you understand? It's my own fault I'm in this hole and I have to get me out.
It is my fault that you don't know who I really am and my fault that i can't tell you.
It is my fault that I don't know why I suddenly can't do it. It's me who doesn't want to and It's me who just can't do it and It is me who hurts and screams when You all say I can.
Why do you believe in me? How is it you can't see
That no matter what I do or say that makes you think I'm real--It's just an act!
It is just an act to make you think that I can think and feel
It is all just pantomime, just going through the motions to make you all believe that I would never let you down.
How you see me's what's important, not who I really am.
You're all the important ones that must stay safe from who I am.
That's why I build Illusions. That's why the masquerade. that's why i don't say a thing,
Without thinking what you'd say.
So thank you for your caring, but I'm not who you're trying to save.
All you know is the illusion and there nothing left of that to save.
The projector has been broken, smashed to bits by tiny wings.
The screen was made of secrets that have been burned away by lies. The illusion is all gone now.
Just me inside this hole, and Her, sitting in a corner- pretending it's not real,
half believing it will go away, that this isn't pain we feel.
It's my fault that she is like this. My fault she doesn't know what's real and what's illusion;
What we do and do not feel. It's my fault the Good one ran away; my fault we're in this mess.
I toldher she should try to live, should give herself a rest.
I said that she just works too hard. I told her to relax. I didn't expect her to just leave
Leave us to do the work that she had always done. I was just waiting for her to come back home
when she had had her fun. But she never did and that is why I didn't do it all.
It isn't that I couldn't, I just didn't and that's all. I didn't know she did so much; I didn't know we could.
I didn't have the heart to ask her to help me too. So I left her to her pretty games and lovely, silly books,
But she asked for a lot more time and a lot more time she took.
I didn't have the heart to tell her even that She'd left, and so she didn't realize it till all my secrets left.
Then she broke down and talked to Him and now I'm all that's left. Just me the quiet sneaky one,
Because the Smart one left, and the Pretty one just rocks and rocks and pretends we've never wept.
It's only me who's left in here and I'm not the one who cares!
I'm not the one who laid the paths. I don't know how to care! I don't know how to do her job! I don't know how to laugh!
I don't know how to live our life all by myself like this.
So if she and she can't help me and I can't do it alone, I suppose I'll have to do what He told me on the phone.
I'll have to ask you all for help and I have to do it soon, Before She comes back home and sees what I have done.
Before she wakes from her pretty dreams and sees what I have done. I will do it right this time, for Them and for my Self.
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