I have returned from my lengthy absence from blogging. I'm not sure why I have suddenly had the urge to record my thoughts and such again, but now just seemed like the right time. So many things are happening and maybe I just need the catharsis of writing to calm down my silly little brain. More about that some other time though.
I have an agenda. I have been trying to figure out if anyone else shares my somewhat skewed idea that the lyrics of Green Day's American Idiot parallels the events and themes of Neil Stevenson's
Snow Crash and
Diamond Age. I know, I know. It sound like a bit of a stretch even to me, but there is something there that bugs me... it just fits a little too well for me to discount it out of hand. It is primarily my fault for reading Stevenson's books during the same period that I was listening to the album all the time. I'm not saying that Green Day wrote the album so that it would match the books or anything like that (though I am very curious to know if they have ever read them). I just was surprised how well they went together. Listening to songs like "She's a Rebel" and "Extrodinary Girl" while reading
Diamond Age gave both works a depth of meaning, at least for me, that I didn't see on their own. "American Idiot" and "Jesus of Suburbia" fit quite well with Hiro Protagonist's world in
Snow Crash also. It isn't just the events of the books and the albums that struck me. Mostly it was the themes. Stevenson and Green Day both seem to have similar views of American society and where it's going and why. What I guess I really need to do to properly hash this out is to grab a copy of both books for myself (my boyfriend practically forced his copies on me when we first met and I fell in love, first with the books then with him). I already own a copy of American Idiot. As soon as I heard Blvd of Broken Dreams on the radio for the first time, I knew that this album would be one of the few I would actually own. I don't buy that much music. I own very few CDs and I don't have very much downloaded music either. I generally just listen to the radio.
Anyway I will finish this train of thought some other time. I need to sleep.